Taxonomy of meanings for 霜:  

  • 霜 shuāng (OC: sqraŋ MC: ʃiɐŋ) 色莊切 平 廣韻:【凝露也又姓色莊切七 】
    • (frost)ICE
      • nmfrozen dew or vapour, frost
      • nabfeaturepsychological chillCH
      • period of ice>YEAR
        • npoetic: frost-seasons> year
      • feature>WHITE
      • =孀

      Additional information about 霜

      說文解字: 【霜】,喪也。成物者。 〔小徐本「者」下有「也」。〕 从雨、相聲。 【所莊 切】

      • ICE

        1. The current word for ice is bīng 冰.

        2. Shuāng 霜 refers to frost.

        Word relations
      • Assoc: (ICE)雪/SNOW The dominant word is xuě 雪.