Taxonomy of meanings for 闢:  

  • 闢 pì (OC: beɡ MC: biɛk) 房益切 入 廣韻:【啓也開也 】
      • vtoNopen up (territory for cultivation); clear away (weeds)
    • KNOCK
      • viactbeat one's breast (check pronunciation: pǐ?)
    • OPEN
      • vtoNopen (a door) wide
      • vibe wide open
      • vtoNreflexive.自open itself
    • BEGIN
      • REMOVE
        • AVOID
          • REFUSE
            • BROAD

              Additional information about 闢

              說文解字: 【闢】,開也。从門、辟聲。 【房益切】 【

              • OPEN

                1. The most common general word for opening things is qǐ 啟 (ant. bì 閉 "close") which can refer to all sorts of opening up of all manner of things.

                2. Kāi 開 (ant. bì 閉 "close") and pì 闢 "open wide" (ant. fēng 封 "close tightly") refer primarily to the opening of doors, windows and the like.

                3. Fā 發 (ant. bì 閉 "close") refers to the opening of something in order to enable one to inspect the contents or to remove things from the interior.

                4. Pī 披 (ant. hé 合 "roll up") refers to the opening up of something by unrolling it.

                5. Jué 決 (ant. dǔ 堵 "block up" and sè 塞 "block up") refers to the opening up of an artificial waterway for circulation.

                Word relations
              • Synon: (OPEN)開/OPEN Kāi 開 (ant. bì 閉 "close") and pì 闢 "open wide" (ant. fēng 封 "close tightly") refer primarily to the opening of doors, windows and the like.