Taxonomy of meanings for 餞:  

  • 餞 jiàn (OC: dzenʔ MC: dziɛn) 慈演切 上 廣韻:【酒食送人又疾箭切 】
  • 餞 jiàn (OC: dzens MC: dziɛn) 才線切 去 廣韻:【酒食送人 】
      • viactarrange for a farewell party
      • vtoNgive a farewell party to
      • FRUIT

        Additional information about 餞

        說文解字: 【餞】,送去也。从食、戔聲。《詩》曰:顯父餞之。 【才線切】

        • FAREWELL

          1. The current general word for taking leave and saying farewell is cí 辭.

          2. Bié 別 (ant. huì 會 "get together") is a rather colourless way of referring to the standard rituals of the farewell.

          3. Sòng 送 (ant. yíng 迎 "go out to welcome") refers standardly to following someone some symbolic part of his way, as a standard ritual of departure.

          4. Jiàn 餞 refers to the arrangement of a farewell wine party.

          5. Zǔ 祖 refers to the formal arrangement of the standard sacrifices to the spirits of the road on the occasion of a departure.