Taxonomy of meanings for 錫:  

  • 錫 xī (OC: sleeɡ MC: sek) 先擊切 入 廣韻:【賜也與也亦鉛錫玄中記曰鉛錫之精爲婢又姓吳志云漢末有錫光先擊切十三 】
    • BELL
      • nbell on horse's forehead
    • CLOTH
      • nmthin and smooth cloth
    • GIVE
      • vtoNgive
      • vttoN1.+N2bestow (something N2) to (somebody N1) GONGYANG Xuan 12.3; ssj: 1642; tr. Malmqvist 1971: 184 錫之不毛之地, presents him with (a territory of) barren land
    • STICK
      • nBUDDH: supportstaff of a monk (see 錫杖)
    • TIN
      • nmtin
        • SURNAMES
          • = 賜
          • = 緆

          Additional information about 錫

          說文解字: 【錫】,銀鉛之閒也。从金、易聲。 【先擊切】

          • METAL

            1. Jīn 金 in antiquity usually refers to metal, concretely to bronze or copper.

            2. Shuǐ yín 水銀 refers to mercury.

            3. Cí shí 慈石 refers to a magnet.

            4. Yè 鍱 also refers to an ore.

            5. Xiǎn 銑 refers to any shiny metal.

            6. Gāng 鋼 refers to steel.

            7. Xī 錫 refers to tin.

            8. 鏤 is another term for a steel.

            9. Zhù 鉒 refers to an ore.