Taxonomy of meanings for 輪:  

  • 輪 lún (OC: ɡ-run MC: lʷin) 力迍切 平 廣韻:【車輪周禮曰軫之方以象地蓋之圜以象天輪輻三十以象日月 】
    • WHEEL
      • nwheel
      • nfigurativewheel of the moon > moon
      • nadVlike a wheel
      • feature>ROUND
          • =掄 causative: make a round shape in the air:SHAKE
              • =掄 with weapons>WIELD
            • like spoke of>BRANCH
              • producer of: wheelwright>CARPENTER
                • n+Nprwheelwright Npr
              • part of>RIM
                • grammaticalised: as in proper order on a wheel>ORDER
                    • (Buddhist) orderly replacement>REBIRTH
                    • crucial part of>VEHICLE
                      • grammaticalied: measure word for vehicles of all kinds>CLASSIFIERS
                        • similar object>SUN
                          • nfigurativepoetic: wheel of the sun, sun
                      • SURNAMES

                        Additional information about 輪

                        說文解字: 【輪】,有輻曰輪,無輻曰輇。从車、侖聲。 【力屯切】 〔小徐本此字次於「𨍶」字之後。〕