Taxonomy of meanings for 賈:  

  • 賈 jià (OC: kraas MC: kɯa) 古訝切 去 廣韻:【賈人知善惡 】
    • PRICE
      • nprice
      • putative: consider to be of high value>APPRECIATE
    • 賈 gǔ (OC: kaaʔ MC: kuo) 公戶切 上 廣韻:【商賈又古下切 】
      • MERCHANT
        • nmerchant; merchant customer
        • nadVanalogylike a merchant
        • v[adN](sedentory) merchant; merchant [Perhaps this should be taken as a primary noun? 待考]
        • vibe mercantile
        • associated action>BUY
          • vtoNfigurative"buy"> acquire at a considerable "price"
          • vtoNpassivebe purchased
        • generalised associated actions>TRADE
          • viactengage in trade
          • vt(oN)go in for trading the contextually determinate N
          • vtoNengage in trade with respect to, trade in, flog
    • 賈 jiǎ (OC: kraaʔ MC: kɯa) 古疋切 上 廣韻:【姓也岀河東本自周賈伯之後又音古 】
      • STATES
        • NPprJiǎ 賈 (CHEN PAN 1969, 457-458)Clan: Jī 姬 (according to the Zuǒzhuàn zhēngyì quoting Shì běn, and to the Du's commentary to the ZUO). Rank: Bó 伯 (according to the ZUO, Huan 9). Founded: Uncertain. According to the Xìng yuàn, Tōng zhì shì zú kǎo lyè, and to the Lù shǐ Guó míng jì, the first ruler of Jiǎ was Gōng Míng 公明, the son of Tángshū Yú 唐叔虞 (the founder of the state of Jìn 晉 ), who received his fief from the Zhōu king Kāng 周康王. Destroyed: The state is mentioned for 703 B.C. (Huan 9) in the ZUO. Thereafter, in an unknown period, it was conquered by Jìn 晉. Location: In the modern Xiāngfén 襄汾 district, southwestern Shānxī (according to the Xù Hàn Jùn guó zhì). History: A small and unimportant state mentioned only one time in the ZUO.
      • BIRDS
        • SURNAMES

          Additional information about 賈

          說文解字: 【賈】,賈市也。从貝、襾聲。一曰:坐 賣 售也。 【公戶切】

          • MERCHANT

            1. The general term for an itinerant trader is shāng 商; the general term for a sedatory trader or merchant is gǔ 賈.

            2. Fàn 販 refers to a small scale merchant, typically of the intinerant sort.

          • TRADE

            1. The current general term for trade is gǔ 賈.

            2. Mào 貿 and yì 易, and the rare hé 和 refer primarily to bartering trade.

            3. Fàn 販 refers to small scale, often itinerant, trade.

            4. Shì 市 refers to buying or selling, prototypically but not exclusively in a market place.

            Word relations
          • Epithet: (MERCHANT)善/EXCELLENT Shàn 善 (ant. zhuó 拙 "inept"), when the word does not mean moral goodness, but is close in meaning to liáng 良, refers to an acquired specific skill or propensity for certain forms of action.
          • Assoc: (MERCHANT)商/MERCHANT The general term for an itinerant trader is shāng 商; the general term for a sedatory trader or merchant is gǔ 賈.