Taxonomy of meanings for 識:  

  • shí (OC: qhljɯɡ MC: ɕɨk) 賞職切 入 廣韻:【説文云常也一曰知也賞職切十 】
    • AWARE
      • nabpsychawareness
      • nabbuddhistBUDDH: consciousness, skr. vij%nāna
      • vadVendowed with awareness
      • vt(oN)recognise the identity of the contextually determinate person N
      • vtoNcontinuousshow some awareness of; recognise the identity of; show any awareness of; have some idea concerning, have any idea of
      • vtoNimperativekeep in mind!
      • vtoNinchoativecome to be familiar/aquainted with
      • vtoNPab{S}inchoativeto come to see or perceive intellectually that; to recognize, if
      • vtoSbecome aware of the fact that S
      • relevant organ> MIND
        • nabbuddhistDELETE
      • assertive and factive> KNOW
        •{NUM}psychforms of consciousness
        • nabpsychknowledge or understanding of things; intellectual content; content of one's cognitive awareness 有識; consciousness
        • viacthave an idea about things
        • vt(oN)have an idea about a determinate subject
        • vt(oN)ombe able to recogize, be familiar with (a contextually determinate N)
        • vt+prep+Nbe familiar with
        • vt+V[0]have an idea how to V
        • vtoNinchoativeget an idea of, get any idea of; get wind of, notice
        • vtoNN=humanrecognise, be familiar with, know (a person); be acquainted with; recognize the identity of
        • vtoNN=humanget to know a person
        • vtoNN=nonhube able to recognise; be familiar with; recognise
        • vtoNpassivebe generally recognised for what one is; be got an idea of
        • vtoNPab{S}recognise that S is the case; be aware that S happened
        • vtoSrecognise that S; be aware of an event, know that something happened; be sure whether something is the case 不識 "I have no idea"
        • vtoNpassive(of facts) be ascertainedCH
        • awareness of past> REMEMBER
          • viactremember things
          • vt(oN)remember the contextually determinate thing
          • vtoNbe still aware of, remember; make sure one remembers; keep in mind; take note of; be mindful of
          • vtoNimperativeremember (this)!CH
        • reasoned> UNDERSTAND
          • vtoNpassivebe understood
          • vt[oN]gain understanding of things
          • vtoNhave got to know thoroughly > realize, understand properly
          • vtoSunderstand that
          • resulting feature> INTELLIGENT
            • nabpsychintelligent perception or awareness of things
    • metaphorical, playful:derivation> EAT
      • vtoNget to eat or drink
  • zhì (OC: kljɯɡs MC: tɕɨ) 職吏切 去 廣韻:【標識見禮本音式 】

    Additional information about 識

    說文解字: 【識】,常也。一曰:知也。从言、戠聲。 【賞職切】


      1. The standard general word for any kind of confusion is huò 惑 (ant. qīng 清 "be unconfused and clear").

      2. Mí 迷 "be temporarily disorientated" (ant. shí 識 "be familiar with") is in connection with a direction one is intending to take.

      3. Hūn 昏 / 惛 is typically confusion within a certain delimited area. See OBSCURE

      4. Bèi 悖 / 誖 / 勃 refers to confusion in the form of contradictoriness and incoherence of opinions held or of attitudes.


      1. The current general word for thinking about something remebered from the past is yì 憶.

      2. Huái 懷 refers to recalling something remembered with affection.

      3. Shí 識 refers to a continued awareness of something in the past.

      4. Zhì 志 is to cause the memory of something to be guarded.

      5. Qiáng zhì 強識 refers to having a good memory.

      NB: The general abstract modern notion of jìyìlì 記憶力 appears not to be present in classical Chinese.


      1. The standard current and word for understanding something and knowing how to do something is zhī 知 (ant. mèi 昧 "not have the foggiest idea").

      2. Míng 明 (ant. měng 蒙 "have very confused notions about") refers to incisive clarity of insight.

      3. Tōng 通 (ant. hūn 昏 "be confused about") refers to comprehensive and thorough familiarity with a subject.

      4. Yù 喻 / 諭 (ant. àn 闇 "be in the dark about") typically refers to clarity achieved on the basis of an effort of articulation.

      5. Chá 察 and shěn 審 (ant. mí 迷 "be all lost when it comes to") refer to incisive clarity of understanding coupled with great awareness of the details of a matter.

      6. Jīng 精 (mào 眊 / 耄 "be completely stupid with respect to") refers to a subtle and thorough understanding of something.

      7. Shí 識 refers to familiarity with something concrete, but the word also refers to simple awareness, especially when negated.

      8. Biàn 辨 / 辯 (ant. huò 惑 "be al confused about") refers to discriminating and highly articulate specialised, often professional knowledge about something.

      9. Jué 覺 and the rarer wù 悟 are inchoative and refer to the coming to understand something.

      10. Wēn 溫 refers to the resulting close familiarity after long acquaintance with a subject.

      11. Wén 聞 (ant. wèi zhī wén 未之聞 "have never heard/learnt about any such thing") is sometimes used as a resultative verb meaning "come to understand something because one has been informed of it". But this usage is limited to the idiom wén dào 聞道 "hear about the Way".

      12. Xī 悉 and jìn 盡 refer to presumed completeness in knowledge.

    • KNOW

      1. The general word for knowing something to be the case in any way or on any basis is zhī 知, but the word is more common in the meanings discussed under UNDERSTAND as in 知人 "understand men".

      2. Wén 聞 is to have learnt as given, so that one knows it as part of one's intellectual tradition or education.

      3. Shí 識 is to be able to recognise and thus to have some idea of something through familiarity and experience, and what one is thus familiar with does not seem to be facts.

      Word relations
    • Contrast: (KNOW)知/UNDERSTAND The standard current and word for understanding something and knowing how to do something is zhī 知 (ant. mèi 昧 "not have the foggiest idea")
    • Assoc: (INTELLIGENT)智 / 知/INTELLIGENT The most general word for native ability to understand is zhī 知 (ant. wú zhī 無知 "lack the ability to understand"), but the word ranges in meaning from spiritual wisdom to technical competence.
    • Assoc: (KNOW)聞/KNOW Wén 聞 is to have learnt so that one knows as part of one's tradition or education.
    • Synon: (KNOW)知/UNDERSTAND The standard current and word for understanding something and knowing how to do something is zhī 知 (ant. mèi 昧 "not have the foggiest idea")