Taxonomy of meanings for 諫:  

  • 諫 jiàn (OC: kraans MC: kɯan) 古晏切 去 廣韻:【諫諍直言以悟人也又姓風俗通云漢有治書侍史諫忠古晏切三 】
      • nabactremonstration
      • v[adN]remonstrator
      • vadNremonstrating (e.g. ministers)
      • vt(oN.)+Vremonstrate with a contextually determinate person N or on a contextually determinate subject N (and say:)
      • vt[oN]make a formal submission on something; raise formal objections, attempt to remonstrate directly
      • vt+prep+Nobject=superiorraise formal objection towards the superior [DS]
      • vtoNobject=superiorremonstrate formally and openly with a superior; offer formal advice at court (positive or negative)
      • vtoNobject=matterremonstrate about (a matter)
      • vtoNN=topicbe remonstrated about
      • vtoNN=humanbe remonstrated to
      • vt(oN)remonstrate to the contextually determinate person
      • vt(oN)object=matterremonstrate about the contextually determinate matter (note that no vtt-construction is found so far for this jia4n.
      • vtoNN=commonerremonstrate with someone (who is impressive, but not a ruler)CH
  • 諫 lan4 《集韻》郎旰切,去換來

    Additional information about 諫

    說文解字: 【諫】,証也。从言、柬聲。 【古晏切】 〔小徐本此字次於「諴」字之後。〕

    • TEACH

      1. The current general word for training, instructing, and disciplining others is jiào 教 (ant. xué 學 "study") and the standard main aim of jiào 教 is unquestioning obedience, professional skill, and intellectual conformity to the standard set by the teacher, and the word connotes use of authority and sometimes even coercion. The primary aim of jiào 教 is action conforming to a standard, and the word is commonly nominalised.

      2. Huì 誨 (ant. xí 習 "study persistently") refers to systematic and persistent efforts to teach and inculcate intellectual or practical skills ( 誨之琴 "taught him to play the zither") and moral understanding of students ( 誨女知之 "I will teach you so you understand"), and the word never implies coercion or any threat of force. Huì 誨 can be mutual, or refer to equals teaching equals, even subordinates teaching superiors 諫誨 "remonstrate with and instruct". The word is not commonly nominalised. The primary aim of huì 誨 is understanding.

      3. Huà 化 refers to successful disciplining and teaching, typically on a large social scale. See INFLUENCE

      4. Qǐ 啟 and fā 發 refer to the opening up of new intellectual and moral dimensions for others.

      5. Xùn 訓 refers in a rather abstract way to formal strict instruction and training aimed primarily at professional skill.

      6. Zhào 詔 refers to instruction by means of useful information or warning.

      7. Fēng 風 is occasionally used to refer to teaching by example.

      8. Liàn 練 refers specifically to military training and only occasionally to other forms of drill.

      9. Dào 道 refers to the content of what is taught, and is largely restricted to postnominal position, as in 儒道 "Confucian teaching".


      1. The current general words for persuasion are shuì 說 "persuade of a point of view or a course of action" versus quàn 勸 "persuade someone to engage in a certain course of action he or she was not originally planning to enage in".

      2. Jiàn 諫 refers specifically to remonstration or dissuasion of a superior. See REMONSTRATE.

      3. Fěng 諷 refers to persuasion of a superior by subtle indirect means.

      NB: Practical "persuasion" of the quàn 勸 kind differs from quàn 勸 "to encourage" in that it contains a clear element of intellectual persuasion that it is right to do what one is encouraging someone to do.


      1. The current general word for making representations to higher authorities is jiàn 諫.

      2. Fěng 諷 refers to the making of indirect polite representations to superiors.

      3. Zhēng 爭 / 諍 refers to vigorous and sometimes even aggressive representations to superiors.

      Word relations
    • Epithet: (REMONSTRATE)愎/STUBBORN Bì 愎 refers to stubbornness as a deplorable feature involving lack of flexibility and obstinacy.
    • Assoc: (REMONSTRATE)箴/WARN Zhēn 箴 is an archaic word referring to formal remonstration. The direction of this warning is upwards.
    • Assoc: (REMONSTRATE)誨/TEACH Huì 誨 (ant. xí 習 "study persistently") refers to systematic and persistent efforts to teach and inculcate intellectual or practical skills (誨之琴 "taught him to play the zither") and moral understanding of students (誨女知之 "I will teach you so you understand"), and the word never implies coercion or any threat of force. Huì 誨 can be mutual, or refer to equals teaching equals, even subordinates teaching superiors 諫誨 "remonstrate with and instruct". The word is not commonly nominalised. The primary aim of huì 誨 is understanding.
    • Assoc: (REMONSTRATE)諷/REMONSTRATE Fěng 諷 refers to the making of indirect polite representations to superiors.