Taxonomy of meanings for 血:  

  • 血 xuè (OC: qhʷiiɡ MC: hʷet) 呼決切 入 廣韻:【釋名曰血濊也岀於肉流而濊濊也呼決切十二 】
    • BLOOD
      • nadVwith blood, using bloody/non-vegetarian food
      • nmblood
      • vtoNsmear (a sacrificial objectN ) with blood
      • nmadNbloody, involving bloody injuriesCH
    • =恤SYMPATHY

      Additional information about 血

      說文解字: 【血】,祭所薦牲血也。从皿、一象血形。凡血之屬皆从血。 【呼決切】

        Word relations
      • Assoc: (BLOOD)氣/ENERGY The most general current word for material vital cosmic energies of any kind is qì 氣.
      • Assoc: (BLOOD)氣/COSMIC FORCE The most general term for physical principles operative in the dynamics of natural processes is qì 氣.