Taxonomy of meanings for 缺:  

  • 缺 quē (OC: khʷeed MC: kʰʷet) 苦穴切 入 廣韻:【器破 】
    • DAMAGE
      • vtoNdamage
      • vtoNmiddle voicebe damaged
    • DEFECT
      • nabdefect, shortcoming
      • vi-Pbe deficient, be defective; have shortcomings
      • vibe deficient; be defective; have shortcomings
      • vichangecome to be deficient
      • vtoNbe defincient with respect to, fail to meet the requirements of
    • HOLE
      • nrift, gap
    • LACK
      • nsubjectwhat is lacking, what is missing
      • vadNlacking
      • vi-Pactbe lacking, be absent
      • vibe lacking; (of a post:) be vacant
      • vichangecome to be lacking
      • vtoNlack
      • nlack; deficiency; defect
      • vihave defects
    • OFFICE
      • DECLINE
        • qualityCH
    • 缺 quē (OC: khʷed MC: kʰʷiɛt) 傾雪切 入 廣韻:【少也説文曰器破也傾雪切二 】

      Additional information about 缺



        1. The current general word for sufficiency is zú 足 (ant. fá 乏 "be short of something").

        2. Jí 給 (ant.* quē 缺 "be short of") refers specifically to the supply of necessities for the sustenance of life.

        3. Shàn 贍 refers to an abundant sufficiency of what is needed for a contextually determined purpose.

      • LACK

        1. The general term for the absence, lack or the failure to have something is wú 無 (ant. yǒu 有 "have").

        2. Quē 缺 refers to the absence of what ought to be there.

        3. Quē 闕 can refer specifically to the deliberate or inadvertent omission of what one might expect was there, but sometimes the word is used interchangeably with quē 缺.

        4. Fá 乏 (ant. zú 足 "have enough of") refers to the insufficiency of something needed or the absence of supplies.

      • ZERO

        1. 無 x 直 means "the value of X is zero". JZ 8.8: 下無錢直 "below there is no coin value, i.e. there is zero.

        2. 虛缺 JZ 8.8 於下實虛缺矣 "below, the dividend, having been empty, now involves a lack> is negative

      • SURPLUS

        1. The current general word for left-overs or surplus is yú 餘 (ant. quē 缺 "in insufficient supply").

        2. Duō 多 (ant. shǎo 少 "in poor supply") emphasises sheer quantity.

        3. Bǔ 補 (ant. quē 闕 "causing shortage") focusses on something being extra and fulfilling a supplementary function.

        4. Xiàn 羨 is occasionally used to refer to agricultural or other surplus.

        Word relations
      • Ant: (DEFECT)成/COMPLETE The standard word for bringing anything to a successful conclusion is chéng 成.
      • Ant: (LACK)全/COMPLETE
      • Synon: (LACK)闕/LACK Quē 闕 can refer specifically to the deliberate or inadvertent omission of what one might expect was there, but sometimes the word is used interchangeably with quē 缺.