Taxonomy of meanings for 笛:  

  • 笛 dí (OC: liiwɡ MC: dek) 徒歷切 入 廣韻:【樂器風俗通云武帝時丘仲所作也晉協律中郎列和善吹笛也 】
    • PIPE
      • nbamboo flute with varying numbers of holes
  • 笛 dí (OC: lɯɯwɡ MC: dek) 徒歷切 入 廣韻:【同笛出周禮 】

    Additional information about 笛

    說文解字: 【笛】,七孔筩也。从竹、由聲。羌笛三孔。 【徐鍇曰:當从胄省,乃得聲。】 【徒歷切】

    • PIPE

      1. The most common word for a pipe is dí 笛 which is made of bamboo and has seven holes. This is what today is called xiāo 簫.

      2. Lài 籟 refers to a short pipe with three holes.

      3. Xūn 壎 refers to an egg-shaped flute with three or more holes in it.

      4. Yuè 籥 is a rare word referring to a rather primitive three-hole bamboo flute.

      5. Chí 篪 refers to a traverse flute with seven holes. This is the oldest type of traverse flute that is known.

      6. Lu �律 is a very abstract technical term for a pitch-pipe of any kind.

      7. Huáng 簧 refers to the reed used to enhance the sonority of pipes.