Taxonomy of meanings for 涼 / 凉:  

  • 涼 liàng (OC: ɡ-raŋs MC: liɐŋ) 力讓切 去 廣韻:【薄也又吕張切 】
  • 涼 liáng (OC: ɡ-raŋ MC: liɐŋ) 呂張切 平 廣韻:【俗涼 】 廣韻:【薄也亦寒涼也又州名禹貢雍州之域古西戎地也六國時至秦屬戎狄月氏居焉秦置三十六郡西北唯有隴西北地二郡於漢屬涼州部至武帝改雍州爲涼州後獻帝分渭川河西四郡爲雍州䢖安十八年復改爲涼州又姓魏志有太子太傅山陽涼茂 】
    • (thin)WINE
        • generalised: having little alcohol>FEW
            • having little thickness:THIN
              • having little high temperature>COOL
                  • intensitive>COLD
                    • nabfigurativerefreshing coldness; chill
                    • vadNrefreshingly cool; cold
                    • vicool as water (in summer); be cool (as spring)
                    • vtoNcausativecause it to be cool
                  • late vernacular>>>DELIGHT
                  • season when it becomes cool> AUTUMN
                  • feature>FRESH
                • STATES
                  • REGIONS
                    • SURNAMES
                    • 凉 liáng (OC: ɡ-raŋ MC: liɐŋ) 呂張切 平 廣韻:【俗涼 】

                      Additional information about 涼

                      說文解字: 【涼】,薄也。从水、京聲。 【呂張切】

                      • COLD

                        1. The standard current word referring to coldness is hán 寒 (ant. wēn 溫, rè 熱 "warm").

                        2. Lěng 冷 refers to anything fresh and cool rather than rè 熱 "unpleasantly hot".

                        3. Dòng 凍 describes a very high degree of coldness, typically below the freezing point of water.

                        4. Liáng 涼 (ant. wēn 溫 "lukewarm") describes a mild form of coldness, prototypically that of a cool breeze liáng fēng 涼風.

                        5. Qīng 清 (ant. rù 溽 "unpleasantly humid and warm") describes a mild, fresh coolness of climate rather than of liquids or solids.

                      • HOT

                        1. Probably the most general word referrring to objective high temperature or heat is rè 熱 (ant. lěng 冷 "cold").

                        2. Wēn 溫 (ant. liáng 涼 "cool") is mild heat.

                        3. Nuǎn 暖 (ant. liáng 涼 "cool") is very mild heat.

                        4. Yán 炎 is extreme heat.

                        5. Shǔ 暑 (ant. hán 寒 "cold") refers to perceived heat, which often relates to humidity in the air as well as objective temperature.

                        6. Xū 煦 and hé 和 refer to temperate, comfortable, and warm temperatures or climates.

                        Word relations
                      • Epithet: (COLD)風/WIND The dominant word for wind is fēng 風.
                      • Assoc: (COLD)寒/COLD The standard current word referring to coldness is hán 寒 (ant. standardly shǔ 暑, but also wēn 溫, rè 熱 "warm").
                      • Assoc: (COLD)清/COLD Qīng 清 (ant. rù 溽 "unpleasantly humid and warm") describes a mild, fresh coolness of climate rather than of liquids or solids.
                      • Assoc: (COLD)清/COLD Qīng 清 (ant. rù 溽 "unpleasantly humid and warm") describes a mild, fresh coolness of climate rather than of liquids or solids.