Taxonomy of meanings for 泄:  

  • 泄 yì (OC: lebs MC: jiɛi) 餘制切 去 廣韻:【水名在九江又音薛 】
  • 泄 yì (OC: leds MC: jiɛi) 餘制切 去 廣韻:【同泄 】
    • LEAK
      • nabactleaking out secrets
      • viprocessleak out
      • vt+prep+Nfigurativeleak things to N
      • vt+prep+Npassivebe leaked to
      • vtoNfigurativeleak out (liquid); transferred: leak out (as words, news etc)
      • vtoNpassiveget leaked, leak out (of liquids or words) (vi?? ???)
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2leak N1 to N2
      • viprocessto leak out (also used metaphorically)
    • REDUCE
      • vtoNto reduce
    • ISSUE
      • SELL
        • FLEE
          • ARRIVE
            • SMALL
              • DIARRHEA
                • ILLNESSES
                  • MIXED
                    • SURNAMES
                      • = 褻
                    • 泄 xiè (OC: sled MC: siɛt) 私列切 入 廣韻:【漏泄也歇也亦作洩又姓左傳鄭大夫洩駕又餘制切 】

                    Additional information about 泄


                    • LEAK

                      1. The current standard word for liquids leaking out of some place in which they are contained is lòu 漏, and the word is commonly used causatively.

                      2. Xiè 泄 is also commonly used in figurative senses.

                      Word relations
                    • Ant: (LEAK)祕 / 祕 / 密/SECRET The current general word for something being kept secret from the general public, but it remaining accessible to an inner circle, is mì 密 (ant. míng 明 "openly, for everyone to see").
                    • Ant: (LEAK)匿/CONCEAL Nì 匿 (ant. zhāng 章/彰 "make a display of") refers to the physical removal of things so as to make them inaccessible to others.
                    • Assoc: (LEAK)漏/LEAK
                    • Synon: (LEAK)發/LEAK