Taxonomy of meanings for 橋:  

  • 橋 qiáo (OC: ɡrew MC: ɡɯiɛu) 巨嬌切 平 廣韻:【水梁也又姓出梁國後漢有太尉橋玄 】
  • qia1o
  • jia3o

    Additional information about 橋

    說文解字: 【橋】, 〔唐寫本木部殘卷篆文作「【橋】」】,。〕 水梁也。从木、喬聲。 【巨驕切】

    • BRIDGE

      1. The current general word for a bridge is liáng 梁, and this word refers to a bridge which is large enough for a cart or carriage to pass.

      2. Qiáo 橋 begins to be used for a very substantial bridge in Han times and refers then to a major bridge on which several carts might even cross from different directions at the same time. The word seems to be of colloquial origin, and referred originally to the "bridge" or crosspiece across a well.

      3. Gāng 杠 is a small, usually short bridge, sometimes with stone frame and one wooden planks to walk on.

      Word relations
    • Assoc: (BRIDGE)梁/BRIDGE The current general word for a bridge is liáng 梁, and this word refers to a bridge which is large enough for a cart or carriage to pass.