Taxonomy of meanings for 暢:  

  • 暢 chàng (OC: khrlaŋs MC: ʈʰiɐŋ) 丑亮切 去 廣韻:【通暢又達也亦姓陳留風俗傳曰暢氏岀齊 】

    Additional information about 暢







      1. Jí 疾 (ant. kuài 快 "be delighted") is acute temporary or momentary anguish directed at a definite cause of dissatisfaction. See also HATE.


      2. Yùn 慍 (ant. yú 愉 "feel generally pleased") is lingering or lasting somewhat milder and more diffuse dissatisfaction or anguish. See ANGER. The distinction is miserably uncertain in many contexts.

      [OVERT], [LASTING]

      3. Fèn 憤 "pent-up dissatisfaction and resentment" (ant.* chàng 暢 "vent one's feelings freely" is not a regular antonym that is stylistically acceptable in parallelism) can be a general feeling of dissatisfaction without any concrete person to be dissatisfied about. See also ANGER.


      4. Chàng 悵 (ant. xīn rán 欣然 "be pleased with oneself") is poetic and intensely personal without being directed at any particular person, and involves a strong element of despondency.