Taxonomy of meanings for 戲:  

  • 戲 xì (OC: qhras MC: hɯiɛ) 香義切 去 廣韻:【戲弄也施也謔也歇也説文曰三軍之偏也一曰兵也又姓魏志有穎川戲志才香義切二 】
    • JOKE
      • nabactplaying around; pleasantry, joke
      • v[adN]someone who engages in playing unserious games
      • vadNfor playing with > play-, playful, non-serious
      • vadVplayfully
      • viactjoke; fool around; play around freely and inconsequentially; be pleasure seeking
      • vtoNjoke with, tease; entertain
      • vtoNN=placeplay around in N
      • vtpost-.VtoNjoke with N; play with NDS
      • transitive>MOCK
        • vtoNmock
      • generalised>PLAY
        • viactplay around
        • vt prep N{PLACE}play around in NCH
        • vtoNplay against each other, compete playfully with each otherCH
        • npost-Ventertainment; play; performance characterised by VDS
        • object>GAME
          • ngame
          • viengage in contest of strength; engage in a combat
      • intended emotion>DELIGHT
        • vtoNdivert, entertain
        • action>COPULATE
          • vt[oN]have sex; ingage in sexual activities
          • vtoNmake a pass at
        • action>DANCE
          • abstract>TENUOUS
            • nabfactualinconsequential affairs, inconsequential plaything
          • military>FIGHT
              • instrument>WEAPON
                • nweapon (of an uncertain kind)
                • generalised: part of>ARMY
          • dictionary only>ANGER
            • dictionary only>ISSUE
              • PLACES
            • 戲 xī (OC: qhra MC: hɯiɛ) 許羈切 平 廣韻:【於戲歎辝又姓虙戲氏之後又喜義切 】
            • 戲 hū (OC: qhlaa MC: huo) 荒烏切 平 廣韻:【古文呼字 】
            • 戲 xī hui1《集韻》吁為切,平支曉。
              • =麾
            • 戲 suo1《集韻》桑何切,平歌心。
            • 戲 yi1《集韻》於宜切,平支影。
              • NAMES
            • TOY
              • ntoyCH

            Additional information about 戲

            說文解字: 【戲】,三軍之偏也。一曰:兵也。从戈、 䖒 聲。 【香義切】

            • ACROBATICS

              1. The current general word for acrobatics in WEISHU 魏書 is zá xì 雜戲.

              2. Current acrobatic acts include illusion arts, breathing fire, juggling upto nine objects in the air, jumping through narrow rings, stand on one's hands on a ball, tight-rope walking, climbing up a high pole (also on a moving cart), standing on one's hands on piles of tiles, keeping plates turning in mid-air, balancing complex objects on a pole placed on one's forehead. All these are abundantly illustrated on Han tiles.

            • JOKE

              1. The most current general word is perhaps xì 戲 "be less than serious". 戲耳 "I was just joking".

              2. Xié 諧 refers to playfulness in the making up of stories.

            • GAME

              !. The general term for public games, acrobatics and entertainment is xì 戲.

            • PLAY

              1. Wán 玩 "play" refers to the act of amusing oneself.

              2. Xì 戲 refers to playful pleasantry, the playing of linguistic games.

              3. Yóu xí 遊戲 refers to playful fun-seeking which involves physical movement.

            • COPULATE

              1. The current general word for copulation applying to both humans and animals, are jiāo 交, hé 合, and these are all rather discrete abstract terms to use.

              2. Yù 御 refers to a male "riding" a female, and the word has no negative overtones.

              3. Tōng 通 and sī 私 are neutral historian's terms for improper sexual intercourse.

              4. Xì 戲 refers to a man making a sexual pass at a woman (occasionally actually one's own wife!).

              5. Yín 淫 and huì 穢 are derogatory terms for engaging in lewd sexual activities with someone.

              6. Xìng 幸 refers periphrastically and politely in historical texts to enjoying the sexual favours, typically of an emperor. See also FAVOUR

              7. Zhēng 烝 refers to the ritual establishment of political relations with a widowed woman of one's senior generation through publicised spending of a night with her.

              8. Bào 報 refers to establishing extramarital sexual relations with a woman of a (normally) lower but sometimes also of a higher generation, but not normally of the same generation.

              9. Gǔ 蠱 refers to a male using irregular means to obtain the sexual favours of a woman he is not married to.

              NB: gòu 構/媾 was late to become current as a term for sexual union.

              Word relations
            • Assoc: (JOKE)樂/DELIGHT The equally current lè 樂 (ant. āi 哀 "grief") adds to yuè 悅 the dimensions of practical indulgence, psychological and often philosophical depth, and - very often - a dimension of joy that can be shared and appreciated by others, and that is typically lasting if not permanent. See ENJOY
            • Assoc: (MOCK)謔/PLAY