Taxonomy of meanings for 弊:  

  • 弊 bì (OC: beds MC: biɛi) 毗祭切 去 廣韻:【 】
      • vtoNpassivebe concealed (for 蔽)
    • EGO
      • vadN[.post-npro1]my humble (city) 弊邑 (Zhou)
    • STUPID
      • vtoNN=humanblock of the view of (a person), deliberately keep someone in the dark on something, isolate someone from information
      • vadNpassiveobtuse; obfuscated, beclouded
      • vtoNcausativebecloud, obfuscate; make invisible, cover up; block (intellectual as well as physical vision on)
      •{NUM}psychobfuscation, intellectual limitation
      • vtoNpassivebe kept in the dark
      • vibe obtuse; be obfuscated, German: "intellektuelle Scheuklappen haben"
      • vtoNreflexive.自causative: stupefy [oneself]
      • vt+prep+Nbe insensitive to; be blocked with respect to, be blind toCH
      • vadNtattered, worn thin; more generally: worn-down, unworthy
      • vigradedbe tattered, worn thin; more generally: worn-down, unworthy 甚弊
    • TIRED
      • nabstativeshattered state, shattered condition; decrepitude
      • vi.redtire oneself out, wear oneself out
      • vibe worn out, exhausted
      • vichangeget tired
      • DELETEwear down
      • vtoNreflexive.自wear oneself down
      • vtoNcausativewear outCH
    • STOP
      • EXHAUST
        • BAD
          • DECLINE
            • viprocessdeclineCH
          • DESTROY
            • PROBLEM
              • HATE
                • CONVICT
                  • TURN UPSIDE DOWN
                    • SURNAMES
                      • = 蔽
                      • = 幣
                      • = 斃
                    • 弊 bì (OC: beds MC: biɛi) 毗祭切 去 廣韻:【困也惡也説文曰頓仆也俗作弊毗祭切五 】

                      Additional information about 弊


                      • TIRED

                        1. The general purpose word for communal exhaustion is pì 罷 (ant. zhuàng 壯 "in strong shape"); the general word for the state of exhaustion of an individual is juàn 倦. 不倦 refers to tireless activity, 不饜 refers to tireless receptivity. See DISSATISFIED.

                        2. Pí 疲 and bèi 憊 typically refer to a relatively mild state of exhaustion.

                        3. Bì 弊 refers to a desperate state of exhaustion.

                        4. Láo 勞 refers to the state of exhaustion after extended lasting effort.

                        5. Dān 殫 refers not so much to the subjective feeling of exhaustion as to the objective inability to continue an activity for lack of further energy.

                        6. Qú 劬, a very poetic word, and the less poetic qín 勤, focus on the effort that brings about tiredness.

                        7. Cuì 瘁 is a poetic word referring to weariness.

                        8. Qiáo cuì 憔悴 refers to a weariness born of exhaustion.

                        9. Láo 老 refers specifically to exhaustion of soldiers.

                        10. Yàn 厭 refers specifically to being tired of, and thus fed up with something.

                        Word relations
                      • Ant: (TATTERED)新/NEW The current word for something newly invented is xīn 新 (ant. 舊) which generally tends to have negative connotations in cultural contexts but takes on positive connotations when referring to articles of daily use etc..
                      • Oppos: (CONCEAL)飾/EMBELLISH The current general word for embellishment of anything concrete or abstract is shì 飾.