Taxonomy of meanings for 導:  

  • 導 dǎo (OC: ɡ-luus MC: dɑu) 徒到切 去 廣韻:【引也徒到切十四 】
    • FROM
      • vtoN.adVdǎo?? by way of, through; by means of
      • nabmetaphysicalthe source from which something arises, the reason why something occurs
    • LEAD
      • vtoNguide; lead
      • vtoNpassivebe guided by
      • vtt(oN1.)+N2object=routelead someone contextually determinate along (a way)
      • vtoNpsychguide (oneself)
      • v[adN]person who guides> guide
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2lead
      • vtoNobject=nonhuguide alongCH
      • vt+prep+Nguide N, provide one's guidance to NLZ
      • vt(oN)guide the understood object N alongCH
    • SEDUCE
      • PROVIDE
        • TEACH
          • ENCOURAGE
            • SOURCE
              • DIG
                • CONDUCT
                  • HEALTHY
                    • SAY
                    • COMB
                      • CHOOSE
                        • SURNAMES

                          Additional information about 導


                          • LEAD

                            1. The current general term for leadership or guidance of any kind is dǎo 導 / 道.

                            2. Shuài 率 / 帥 places stronger emphasis on leadership in a certain campaign than on general guidance.

                            3. Jiāng 將 and yǐn 引 refer to leading an informal group, large or small, occasionally even a single person.

                            4. Xiàng 相 refers specifically to leading or guiding the blind.

                            5. Shuài 帥 refers specifically to leadership in a military campaign.

                            6. Jiàng 將 refers to a formal formal military rank and leadership exercised by someone occupying that rank.

                            7. Xiān 先 refers to leadership on the image of being at the head of a procession.

                            Word relations
                          • Assoc: (LEAD)教/TEACH The current general word for training, instructing, and disciplining others is jiào 教 (ant. xué 學 "study") and the standard main aim of jiào 教 is unquestioning obedience, professional skill, and intellectual conformity to the standard set by the teacher, and the word connotes use of authority and sometimes even coercion. The primary aim of jiào 教 is action conforming to a standard, and the word is commonly nominalised.
                          • Assoc: (LEAD)教/TEACH The current general word for training, instructing, and disciplining others is jiào 教 (ant. xué 學 "study") and the standard main aim of jiào 教 is unquestioning obedience, professional skill, and intellectual conformity to the standard set by the teacher, and the word connotes use of authority and sometimes even coercion. The primary aim of jiào 教 is action conforming to a standard, and the word is commonly nominalised.