Taxonomy of meanings for 壤:  

  • 壤 rǎng (OC: njaŋʔ MC: ȵiɐŋ) 如兩切 上 廣韻:【土也書傳曰無塊曰壤風土記曰擊壤者以木作之前廣後銳長尺三四寸其形如履臘節僮少以爲戲也逸士傳曰堯時有壤父擊於康衢藝經曰擊壤古戲又漢複姓孔子弟子有壤駟赤如兩切八 】
  • loose agricultural soil> rǎng 壤SOIL
    • nmgenerically: earth; loose earth, soil broken by the plough;
    • accumulate soil to make mole mounds etc> rǎng 壤ACCUMULATE
      • clod of soil: rǎng 壤 CLOD
    • rǎng 壤TERRITORY
      • nterritory
      • game in which one tries to hit a target on the ground> rǎng 壤GAME
      • very large number, ten billion> rǎng 壤NUMBER
        • rǎngFERTILE
          • vibe fertile (of a region, a territory)CH

        Additional information about 壤

        說文解字: 【壤】,柔土也。从土、襄聲。 【如兩切】

        • SOIL

          1. The current general word for soil of any kind, including dirt, is tǔ 土.

          2. Rǎng 壤 refers to the kind of fertile soil that is useful for agriculture.

          3. Xī 隰 refers to low-lying wet ground

          4. Chì 斥 and lǔ 鹵 refers to saline ground.

          5. Qì 磧 refers to sandy ground.

          6. Kuài 塊 refers to a clod of earth.

          7. Yū 淤 refers to sludge in a river or in the sea. See MUD

        • SLIM

          1. The most current general word for skinniness is probably jí 瘠 / 膌 (ant. féi 肥 "fat").

          2. Qú 臞 (ant. rǎng 壤 [ 肉字旁 ]) refers to skinniness in humans.

          3. Léi 羸 refers to skinniness as a result of famine or of disease.

          4. Shòu 瘦 is rare in pre-Buddhist times, and refers generally to emaciation.

          Word relations
        • Contrast: (SOIL)土/SOIL The current general word for soil of any kind, including dirt, is tǔ 土.