Taxonomy of meanings for 奢:  

  • 奢 shē (OC: qhlja MC: ɕia) 式車切 平 廣韻:【張也侈也勝也式車切三 】
      • nabactoutrageous extravagance in the use of wealth; luxuriousness
      • vadVextravagantly, lavishly
      • viactbe profligate, be outrageously generous and reckless in the use of wealth
      • nabfigurativeliterary effusiveness and proliferation, stylistic extravaganceCH
      • MANY
        • ABUNDANT
          • nabfeaturerhetorical or descriptive poetic abundanceCH
        • EXAGGERATE
          • BEAUTIFUL

            Additional information about 奢

            說文解字: 【奢】,張也。从大、者聲。凡奢之屬皆从奢。 【式車切】 【奓】,籒文。 【臣鉉等曰:今俗作陟加切,以爲㗬厚之㗬,非是。】

            • FRUGAL

              1. The current general word for the virtue of parsimony is jiǎn 儉 (ant. shē 奢 "extravagant in the use of resources").

              2. Jié 節 (ant. chǐ 侈 "lavish use of resources") refers to the virtue of moderation in the use of things as it applies to specified areas and does not function an abstract philosophical concept of parsimony.

              3. The negative quality of stinginess is lìn 吝 (ant. POST-BUDDHIST kāng kǎi 慷慨 "generous (with friends)", and in pre-Buddhist times the less exact huì 惠 "generous (to inferiors)").

              4. The neutral terms for thrift are shěng 省 (ant. fèi 費 "spend freely"), jiǎn 簡, and yuē 約.

              5. Xí 惜 (ant. tài 泰 / 汰 "use up resources thoughtlessly") refers to the reluctance to let go of something or to use it up.

            • EXTRAVAGANT

              1. Sh1ē 奢 (ant. jiǎn 儉 "parsimonious") is excessive conspicuous consumption or use of money for one's private purposes, with or without demonstrative large scale extravagance, and the word is not necessarily pejorative.

              2. Chǐ 侈 (ant. jié 節 "moderate in the use of resources") always refers to manifestly reprehensible extravagance with no connotation of laudable generosity.

              3. Mǐ 靡 (ant. jiǎn 簡 "unextravagant") is pointless and wasteful luxuriousness, and the term is always strongly pejorative.

              4. Huá 華 is purely demonstrative conspicuous and aesthetically elaborate consumption.

              5. Tài 泰 (ant. yuē 約 "restrained in the use of resources") is grandiose and demonstrative extravagance.

              6. Yín 淫 can come to refer to extravagance as a symptom of general indulgence.

              Word relations
            • Ant: (EXTRAVAGANT)儉/FRUGAL The current general word for the virtue of parsimony is jiǎn 儉 (ant. shē 奢 "extravagant in the use of resources").
            • Ant: (EXTRAVAGANT)儉/FRUGAL The current general word for the virtue of parsimony is jiǎn 儉 (ant. shē 奢 "extravagant in the use of resources").
            • Assoc: (EXTRAVAGANT)淫/UNRESTRAINED Yín 淫 can come to refer to extravagance as a symptom of general indulgence.