Taxonomy of meanings for 員:  

  • yuánROUND
    • vadN=圓 roundCH

Additional information about 員

說文解字: 【員】,物數也。从貝、囗聲。凡員之屬皆从員。 【徐鍇曰:古以貝爲貨,故數之。】 【王權切】 【 𪔅 】、籒文从鼎。


    1. The common general term for a circle is yuán 員 / 圓.

    2. Zhōu 周 refers to an irregular circle shape; it is used for a length of perimeter of a circle.

    3. Huán 環 refers to an irregular circle shape; it is used for an area surrounded by a circle.

    4. Tuán 摶 is a word for a circle that was in use in a southern state of >Chǔ 楚.

    5. Guī 規 occasionally refers to a standard round shape, but the word is seldom used in this sense.


    1. Officials are referred to as shì 士 and daì fū 大夫. The word shì 士 can also include daì fū 大夫, therefore the term is often used for a whole body of officials.

    2. Dà fū 大夫 "notables" is a general formal term for high officials.

    3. Lì 吏 refers to officials in charge of concrete practical matters, often policing and the like.

    4. Gōng 工 can be used as a general term for clerks.

    5. Yǒu sī 有司 can refer to a person in charge of an office.

    6. Guān 官 refers quite generally to the persons in charge of an office.

    7. Shì zhě 仕者 refers to any person in public employment of any kind.

    8. Lǎo 老 originally politely referred to higher officials (>gōng 公, >qīng 卿, >dài fū 大夫 ), therefore it came to be used as a general term referring to high officials.

    9. Yuán 員 originally refers to officials as counted units, and the word came to be used as a general term for officials.