      • CHANGEEVENT involving two MOMENTS t1 and t2, such that a THING at the MOMENT t1 is DIFFERENT FROM that THING at the MOMENT t2.
    See also
    • MOCKSPEAK OR ACT so as to CAUSE OTHERS to LAUGH at someone.
            Old Chinese Criteria
            1. The clearly predominant word for smiling and laughing is xiào 笑 which refers to any laughter, loud or quiet, kind or unkind.

            2. Chī 嗤 is almost onomatopoeic and refers to noisy derisive laughter, and the word is exceedingly rare, missing even in SHUOWEN.

            3. The rare word shěn 哂 refers to a discreet, noiseless smile.

            4. Qiào 誚 refers to ridiculing someone.

            5. Jī 譏 refers to deliberate articulate satire including criticism.

            Modern Chinese Criteria
            見笑 refers to laughing at the sight of something.

            Apologetic smiles 歉意的笑 bào qiàn de xiào xiào 抱歉地笑笑 smile apologetically (common, coll)bào qiànde yī xiào 抱歉地一笑 give an apologetic smile (current lit)péi xiào 賠笑 smile soothingly, smile while apologising (current)péi zhe xiào liǎn 陪著笑臉 put on a smiling face (current lit)qiàn ránde yī xiào 歉然地一笑 give an apologetic smile (lit, non-idiomatic)qiàn rán yī xiào 歉然一笑 give an apologetic smile (lit, idiomatic)

            Arrogant smiles 傲慢的笑áng shǒu ào xiào 昂首傲笑 throw back one’s head and laugh arrogantly (lit, rare)ào rán yī xiào 傲然一笑 give an arrogant smile (rare, lit)ào xiào 傲笑 arrogant smile, smile arrogantly (cl)xiào ào jiāng hú 笑傲江湖 smile and feel well above everybody else (current lit)??? ???xiào ào shān lín 笑傲山林 laugh and enjoy a life in free nature (rare literary, non-idiomatic)???

            Bashful smiles 羞澀的笑dī huán yī xiào 低鬟一笑 “lower one’s hair-bun and give a smile???” ???dī tóu wēixiào 低頭微笑 smile with lowered head (current lit)dī tóu yī xiào 低頭一笑 give a smile, lowering one’s head (current lit)hán xiū dàixiào 含羞帶笑 smile bashfully (current lit)miàn tiǎn de yī xiào 靦腆地一笑 give an embarrassed smile (current lit)nǎn rán yī xiào 赧然一笑 give an embarrassed smile (current lit)xiū nǎn de yī xiào 羞赧地一笑 give a bashful embarrassed smile (current lit)xiū sè yī xiào 羞澀一笑 give an embarrassed smile (current lit)xiū sède yī xiào 羞澀地一笑 give an embarrassed smile (current lit)xiū xiào 羞笑 give a smile of humiliation and embarrassment (rare lit)

            Bitter smiles 苦笑cǎn cǎn yī xiào 慘慘一笑 give a sad smile (lit/cl)cǎn xiào 慘笑 a wan smile (current coll and lit)kǔ sè de yī xiào 苦澀地淡淡一笑 give a faint bitter smile (current lit, non-idiomatic)kǔ xiào 苦笑 give a bitter smile (current)kǔ xiào yī xià 苦笑一下 give a bitter smile (current)liè zhe zuǐ cǎnxiào 咧著嘴慘笑 give a broad wan smile (current)qī qī yī xiào 凄凄一笑 give a sad smile (rare lit)qī rán de yī xiào 凄然地一笑 give a sad smile (current lit)qī rán kǔ xiào 凄然苦笑 give a sad grin (current lit)qī rán yī xiào 凄然一笑 give a sad smile (current lit)sǎo xìng de yī xiào 掃興地一笑 give a despondent smile (current lit, non-idiomatic)xiào zhōng hán kǔ 笑中含苦 smile in spite of an inner bitterness (rare, literary)yáo tóu kǔ xiào 搖頭苦笑 shake one’s head and grin (rare lit)yī sī kǔ xiào 一絲苦笑 give a forced grin (current lit)

            “Cold smiles” 冷笑àn àn lěng xiào 暗暗冷笑 secretly make a sarcastic smile (current lit)jiāo xiào 驕笑arrogant smile (current lit)lěng lěng yī xiào 冷冷一笑 give an ice-cold smile (current lit)lěng lěng de yī xiào 冷冷地一笑 give an ice-cold smile (current lit)lěng mò yī xiào 冷漠一笑 give a frozen sneer (rare lit)lěng xiào 冷笑 sneer (current)mù rán yī xiào 木然一笑 give a stiff artificial and mechanical smile (current lit)mò rán yī xiào 漠然一笑 give an indifferent smile (current lit)xiào lǐ cáng dāo 笑裡藏刀 to hide a dagger in the smile (current lit)xiào lǐcáng jiàn 笑裡藏奸hide viciousness in a smile (current lit)zī2 yá lěng xiào 齜牙冷笑 make a grimace and smile coldly (current lit)zī2 yá yī xiào 呲/齜牙一笑 make a grimace and give a smile (current lit)zī yá hēi xiào 齜牙嘿笑 make a grimace and laugh loud (rare cl)

            Collective laughter 集體笑hōng rán dà xiào 轟然大笑 break into a tremendous peal of laughter (current)hǒngrán dàxiào 哄然大笑 roar with laughter (current)hǒng tángdàxiào 哄堂大笑 break into laughter without exception (current)hǒng xiào 哄笑 laugh at publicly (slightly literary)huá rán dà xiào 譁然大笑 laugh very noisily (current lit)huáxiào 嘩笑 laugh noisily (current lit)mǎn táng dà xiào 滿堂大笑 the whole audience broke into loud laughter (awkward, lit)mǎn táng huān xiào 滿堂歡笑 the whole audience broke into happy laughter (current lit)xiào shēng bù duàn 笑聲不斷 keep laughing (current lit)xiào shēng bù jué 笑聲不絕 keep laughing (current lit)xiào shēng dǐng fèi 笑聲鼎沸 bubble with laughter (current lit)xiào shēng yáng yì 笑聲洋溢 bursts of laughter keep floating out (literary, non-idiomatic)

            Concurring smiles 同意的笑hàn shǒu wēixiào 頷首微笑 nod and smile (current lit)hán xiào diǎntóu 含笑點頭 nod with a hidden smile (current lit)huì xīn de yī xiào 會心地一笑 give a knowing smile (current lit)huì xīn ér xiào 會心而笑 be understanding and smile (rare, lit)huì xīn yī xiào 會心一笑 give a knowing smile (current lit)huì yì wēixiào 會意微笑 give a knowing smile (current lit)

            Disposition to smile 愛笑的性格kǒu miàn dài xiào 口面帶笑 wear a smile on one’s face (not obsequious) (rare lit)mǎn hán xiào yùn 滿含笑韻 be full of laughter and high spirits (rare lit)???xiào kǒu cháng kāi 笑口常開 be always smiling (current)xiào mī mī 笑咪咪 smiling (coll)xiào liǎn cháng zài 笑臉常在 be always full of smiles (rare lit)xiào yì dàng yàng 笑意蕩漾 be full of unrestrained laughter (awkward lit)

            Disdainful scoff 輕蔑的笑chī xiào 嗤笑 sneer (current lit)chī zhī yǐ bí 嗤之以鼻 laugh disdainfully, breathing through the nose (very current, lit)??dǎ gè hā hā 打個哈哈 give a short dismissive smile to divert attention (obsolescent lit)piē zuǐ yī xiào 撇嘴一笑 give a broad smile (rare lit)xiào chǐ 笑恥 laugh at with disrespect (obs, classical)xiào huǐ 笑毀 laugh at and malign (obs, classical, Song)xiào qiào 笑誚deride (obs, classical, Tang)xiào wǔ 笑侮 deride (obs, classical)xiào zhī yǐ bí 笑之以鼻laugh disdainfully, breathing through the nose (literary, non-idiomatic)xián liǎn ér xiào 涎臉而笑 give a brazen smileyé yú yī xiào 揶揄一笑 sneer (current lit)yé yú 揶揄 sneer at, teasingly (very literary)yī shěn 一哂 sneer at yī shěn éryǐ 一哂而已 just give a sneer (current lit)

            Demonstrative laughter 大笑bào xiào 爆笑 laugh violently, laugh one’s head off (very current lit)càn rán dà xiào 燦然大笑 break into loud laughter (lit)càn rán 粲然 laugh aloud (lit/cl)càn rán yī xiào 燦然一笑 laugh aloud (lit/cl)càn rán ér xiào 燦然而笑laugh aloud (cl, Guliangzhuan)cháng xiào 長笑 keep laughing; noun: long laugh (lit)cháng xiào bù yǐ 長笑不已 be unable to stop laughing out aloud (rare, lit/cl)chǎn rán 囅然 break into violent laughter (obsolete, cl)chǎn rán ér xiào 囅然而笑laugh out aloud (obsolete, cl)fàng shēng dà xiào 放聲大笑 laugh at the top of one’s voice (current)fàng huái dàxiào 放懷大笑 laugh to one’s heart’s content (rare lit ???)fēng xiào 瘋笑 laugh with mad intensity (current lit)fǔ zhǎng dà xiào 撫掌大笑 clap one’s hands and laugh aloud (current lit)fǔ zhǎngdàxiào 拊掌大笑 clap one's hands and laugh (Sanguozhi)fǔ zhǎng ér xiào 撫掌而笑 clap one’s hands and laugh (lit)gēn zhe dà xiào 跟著大笑 join someone laughing (current, non-idiomatic)hé zhǎng dà xiào 合掌大笑 clap one’s hands and laugh aloud (current lit)hé rán ér xiào 嗑然而笑 laugh aloud zhuang 13 (current lit)hè 可with 欠 on the right] roar with laughter (Tang, 元稹 CD 6.1441) (cl)huò 嚄 roar with laughter [shiji, weigongziliezhuan] (obsolete, cl)huò rán yī xiào 豁然一笑 laugh abruptly (current lit)huò zé 嚄唶 laugh and shout [shiji, weigongziliezhuan] (obsolete, cl)jú jú rán xiào 局局然笑 ??? (zhuangzi) (obsolete, cl)jué dǎo 絕倒 fall over with laughter (obsolescent, lit )kāi huái chàng xiào 開懷暢笑 laugh heartily, to one’s heart’s content (current lit)kāi huái dà xiào 開懷大笑 give a big hearty laugh (current)kāi kǒu guàxiào 開口掛笑 laugh with one’s mouth wide open (current lit)kāi xīn chàngxiào 開心暢笑 laugh heartily, to one’s heart’s content (lit)kuáng xǐ fēng xiào 狂喜瘋笑 laugh madly with joy (obsolete, lit)kuáng xiào 狂笑 guffaw (current)láng shēng dà xiào 朗聲大笑 give a big hearty laugh (current lit)lè 樂 laugh (colloquial)lè hā hā 樂哈哈 laugh happily (current)liě zuǐ dà xiào 咧嘴大笑 give a broad loud laugh (current)liě zuǐ zhí lè 咧嘴直樂 give an unrestrained laugh (colloquial Peking dialect)liě kāi zuǐ lè 咧開嘴樂 give a broad laugh (colloquial, Peking dialect)liě kāi zuǐ xiào 咧開嘴笑 give a broad laugh (coll)pěng fù dà xiào 捧腹大笑 hold one’s stomach and laugh out aloud (current lit)pěng fù kuángxiào 捧腹狂笑 hold one’s stomach and break into wild laughter (rare lit)pěng fù 捧腹hold one's stomach with laughter (literary)pèn tì 噴涕 laugh so that that spits out the rice and tears are rolling down one’s face (obs, cl) ???qián yǎng hòu hé 前仰後合fall over with laughter (very current)sǒng jiān dà xiào 聳肩大笑 shrug one’s shoulders and break into loud laughter (current lit)sǒng jiān kuáng xiào 聳肩狂笑 shrug one’s shoulds and break into wild laughter (current lit)tū rán dà xiào 突然大笑 break into abrupt loud laughter (current lit)wà 嗢 laugh loudly (classical) ???wà jué 嗢噱 roar with laughter (obsolete, classical)xì 咥 roar with laughter (obsolete, classical)xiā 口盍burst of laughter (obsolete, classical)xiào bù kě yǎng 笑不可仰 laugh so intensely that one cannot look up (???)xiào bù kě yì 笑不可抑 roll with uncontrollable laughter (current lit)xiào bù kě zhī 笑不可支 laugh so much that one cannot keep upright (current lit)xiào duàn cháng zi 笑斷腸子 laugh one’s guts to pieces (colloquial)xiào ge• pì 笑個屁 what's so funny? there is nothing to laugh at here! (vulgar slang)xiào hā hā 笑哈哈 guffawing (coll)xiào shā rén 笑殺人laugh oneself to death (coll)xiào biàn 笑抃 clap one's hands and laugh (obs, classical) ???xiào bù kě è 笑不可遏 laugh uncontrollably, be unable to stop laughing (current lit)xiào chà le• qì 笑岔了氣 choke with laughter (coll)xiào chū yán lèi 笑出眼淚 laugh until tears roll down one's face (coll)xiào dǎo 笑倒 fall over with laughter (old-fashioned colloquial)xiào dǎo zài dì 笑倒在地 fall on the floor with laughter (colloquial)xiào de dù zi téng 笑得肚子疼 laugh until one's stomach is aching (coll)xiào de mǎn dì shang dǎ gǔnr 笑得滿地上打滾兒 laughed so they rolled on the floor (coll)xiào de niào le yī kù zi 笑得尿了一褲子 laughed so he pissed in his trousers all wet (coll)xiào de pì gǔn niào liú 笑得屁滾尿流 laughed so that shat and pissed themselves (coll)xiào diào dà yá 笑掉大牙 laugh away ones teeth (coll)xiào è è 笑啞啞 laugh noisily (obs, classical, Song) xiào gè bù tíng 笑個不停 keep laughing (coll)xiào gè bù zhù 笑個不住 keep laughing (current lit)[xiàohuà bǎi chū 笑話百出 make oneself ridiculous at every point]xiào kǒu cháng kāi 笑口常開 grin all the time (current lit)xiào jué 笑噱 laugh aloud (rare, classical, Sanguo)xiàolè 笑樂 laugh and be merry (obs, classical)xiào nà 笑納 receive something happily (with a smile) (current lit)xiào pò dù pí 笑破肚皮 laugh one's stomach to pieces (coll)xiào shēng shuǎng láng 笑聲爽朗 burst out in peals of laughter (literary, non-idiomatic)xiào sǐ xiào huó 笑死笑活 laugh oneself half dead (coll)xiào tuō yí 笑脫頤 laugh off one's jaw (obs, classical)xiào wāi le• zuǐ 笑歪了嘴 laugh one's mouth out of shape (coll)xiào wān le yāo 笑彎了腰 laugh so one’s waist gets bent (coll)xiào xié 笑斜 laugh oneself into a slanted shape (rare lit???)xī xiào 嘻笑 laugh loudly (current)xī xiào 嬉笑 chuckle, giggle (current)xī xī hā hā 嘻嘻哈哈 laugh and giggle (coll)xì yí rú ér 咥咿嚅兒 laugh (chuci, 卜居) (obs, cl)xù jiǔ kuáng xiào 酗酒狂笑 be dead drunk and laugh wildly (obsolete, cl)xuān qū 軒渠 laugh with lots of gesticulation (obs, classical)xuān xiào 喧笑 roar with laughter, (current lit)xuē 噱 laugh out aloud (rare, classical)yáng tiān kuáng xiào 仰天狂笑 throw one’s head back and smile wildly (current lit)yǎn kǒu dà xiào 掩口大笑 cover one’s mouth and laugh out aloud (current lit)yǎng liǎn dà xiào 仰臉大笑 throw one’s head back and laugh out aloud (rare lit)yǎng shēn dà xiào 仰身大笑 throw one’s body back and laugh out aloud (rare lit)yǎng shǒu dà xiào 仰首大笑 throw one’s head back and laugh out aloud (rare lit)yǎng tiān dà xiào 仰天大笑 face the sky and laugh out alound (current lit)yǎng miàn hā hā dà xiào 仰面哈哈大笑 throw one’s head back and laugh out aloud (lit, non-idiomatic)yǎng miàn kuáng xiào 仰面狂笑 throw one’s head back and laugh wildly (current lit)yǎng shēn dà xiào bù zhǐ 仰身大笑不止 throw one’s body back and never stop laughing loudly (current lit)yǎng tiān hā hā dà xiào 仰天哈哈大笑 face the sky and laugh out aloud (lit, non-idiomatic)yǎng tiān dà xiào 仰天大笑lean backover and roar with laughter (current lit)yǎ rán dà xiào 啞然大笑 laugh loudly and with a hoarse voice liezi ??? (obs, cl)yǎ rán ér xiào 啞然而笑 give a hoarse laugh (lit, non-idiomatic)yǎ rán zìxiào 啞然自笑 laugh hoarsely (lit, non-idiomatic)yǎ rán shī xiào 啞然失笑 break into hoarse laughter (current lit)yǎ xiào 啞笑 laugh hoarsely (current lit)zhāng zuǐ shǎ xiào 張嘴傻笑 give a broad cretinous smile (coll)zì yì zòng xiào 恣意縱笑 give oneself over to unrestrained laughter (current lit)zòng shēng dà xiào 縱聲大笑 laugh noisily to one’s heart’s content (current lit)

            Embarrassed smiles 尷尬的笑gān gàde kǔ xiào 尷尬地苦笑 give an awkward bitter smile (current lit)gān gàde yī xiào 尷尬地一笑 give an awkward smile (current lit)gān xiào 乾笑 give an awkward dry and constrained chortle (current)xiào ér bù dá 笑而不答 answer only with a smile (literary, non-idiomatic)xiào ér bù shuō 笑而不說smile and say nothing (literary, non-idiomatic)

            False smiles 假笑dǎ hāhā 打哈哈 give a superficial positive smiling response (current, very coll)gù zuò xiào liǎn 故作笑臉 deliberately put on a smiling face (current lit)gù xiào 故笑 deliberate smile (obsolete, cl)???guài xiào 怪笑 strange untransparent artificial smile (current lit)jiǎ xiào 假笑give a false smile (current)jiāng xiào 僵笑rigid, frozen smile (rare lit)miǎn qiáng yī xiào 勉強一笑 give a forced smile (current lit)miǎn qiáng zuò xiào 勉強作笑 put on a forced smile (current lit)miàn fú jiǎ xiào 面浮假笑 have a fleeting fake smile on one’s face (current lit)pí xiào ròu bù xiào 皮笑肉不笑 give a false smile (colloquial, current)qiáng dǎ xiào liǎn 強打笑臉 put on a forced smile (coll)qiáng wéi huān xiào 強為歡笑 put on a forced happy smile (current lit)qiáng zuò huān yán 強作歡顏 put on a forced happy face (current lit)qiáng xiào yī xià 強笑一下 give a forced smile (current lit, non-idiomatic)qiáng xiào 強笑 smile artificially, give a forced smile (current)qiáng yán huān xiào 強顏歡笑 give a forced happy smile (very current lit) qiáng yán wéi xiào 強顏為笑 give a forced smile (rare lit)qiáng zhuāng xiào liǎn 強裝笑臉 put on a forced pretended smile (very current lit)qiáng zuò huān yán 強作歡顏 put on a forced happy face (current lit)qiáng zuò xiào liǎn 強作笑臉 put on a forced happy face (current lit)yáng xiào 佯笑 give a false laugh (current lit)zhé zhé guài xiào 磔磔怪笑 give a strange, malicious smile (onomatopoetic, lit) zuò xiào 作笑 give a feigned smile (rare, literary)

            Foolish smiles 癡笑chī chī de xiào 吃吃地笑 giggle (current lit)chī chī 吃吃 nervous subdued giggle (rare lit, onomatopoeic)chī xiào 癡笑 laugh foolishly, laugh like an imbecile (current coll)dǎpéng 打棚 make a jokedǎqù 打趣 make fun of, reduce to ridiculedāi xiào 呆笑 smile in an imbecile or insensitive way (current lit)gǎo xiào 攪笑 laughable > provocative foolish smile (very current)hān xiào 憨笑 smile stupidly (current lit)liè zuǐ hānxiào 咧嘴憨笑 give a broad asinine smile (current lit)shǎ xiào 傻笑 simper (current)wǎn pí de yī xiào 頑皮地一笑 give a naughty smile (current)

            Fond smiles 友善的笑hù shì ér xiào 互視而笑 look at one another and laugh (current lit)kuān hòu de xiào 寬厚的笑 give a generous/forgiving smile (current lit)qīn nǐ de xiào 親昵地笑 give an intimate smile (current lit)rè chén wēixiào 熱忱微笑 smile warm-heartedly (current lit, non-idiomatic)rè chén de wēixiào 熱忱的微笑 warm-hearted smile (current lit, non-idiomatic)shēn qíng de yī xiào 深情地一笑 give a smile of deep sympathy (lit, non-idiomatic)téng ài de yī xiào 疼愛地一笑 smile lovingly (current lit, non-idiomatic)tiáo xiào 調笑 tease with a smile (current)xì xiào 戲笑 teasing smile (current lit)xiāng gù yī xiào 相顧一笑 turn to each other and smile (current lit)xiāng shì dà xiào 相視大笑 look at each other and break into loud laughter (current lit)xiāng shì ér xiào 相視而笑 look at each other and smile (current lit)xiāng shì yī xiào 相視一笑 look at each other and give a smile (current lit)xiāng wàng yī xiào 相望一笑 look at each other from the distance and smile (rare lit)xiào liǎn xiāng yíng 笑臉相迎 receive someone with a smile (current lit)xiào liǎn yíng rén 笑臉迎人 receive people with a smile (rare lit, non-idiomatic)xiào mà yóu tā 笑罵由他 may other's laugh or swear at us as they like (obsolete, cl)xiàomà 笑罵 ridicule and swear at (cf. xiàomà cóng rǔ 笑罵從汝 up to you)xiàomiànlǎohǔ 笑面老虎 a tiger with a smiling face, outwardly kind inwardly cruelxiào nòng 笑弄 tease through laughing (rare, lit)

            Hidden smiles 暗笑àn àn lěng xiào 暗暗冷笑 secretly make a sarcastic smile (current lit)àn àn fā xiào 暗暗發笑 break into a secret smile (current, lit)àn rán yī xiào 黯然一笑 smile secretly (lit)àn xiào 暗笑 snigger, snikker (common coll)àn zì fā xiào 暗自發笑 break into a secret smile (current, lit)àn zì lěng xiào 暗自冷笑 give a cold secret smile (current lit)dú qiè xiào 獨竊笑 smile quietly by oneself (obsolete, cl) liezi,dú xiào 獨笑 smile to oneself (cl) liezidù lǐ ànxiào 肚裡暗笑 “smile in one’s stomach”> smile secretly (current lit)guǐ mì de níngxiào 詭祕的獰笑 a surreptitious vicious smile (current lit)guǐ mìde yī xiào 詭祕地一笑 give a surreptitious smile (current lit)guǐ mì yī xiào 詭秘一笑 give a surreptitious smile (current lit)hú lu 胡盧 give a hidden smile (liaozhao) (obsolete, cl)lěng miàn 冷面 hide a smile and keep a stony face (having made a good joke) (current)nì xiào 匿笑 smile furtively (literary)qiè qiè àn xiào 竊竊暗笑 give a secret furtive smile (current lit)qiè xiào 竊笑 smile furtively (current lit)qiè yì yī xiào 愜意一笑 give a smile of satisfaction (current lit)tōu tōu yī xiào 偷偷一笑 smile furtively (current)xīn zhōng àn xiào 心中暗笑 give a secret inner smile (current lit)xī xī qiè xiào 嘻嘻竊笑 smile secretly (rare lit)yǎn bí ér xiào 掩鼻而笑 hold one’s nose and laugh (rare lit)yǎn kǒu ér xiào 掩口而笑 cover one’s mouth and smile (current lit)yǎn kǒu xīxiào 掩口嘻笑 cover one’s mouth and giggle (rare lit)yǎn zuǐ tōuxiào 掩嘴偷笑 cover one’s mouth and smile secretly (rare lit)yīn xiào 陰笑 give a sombre/hidden smile (rare, classical)

            Indifferent smiles 無所謂的笑dàn bó de yī xiào 淡泊地一笑 give an indifferent smile (current lit)dàn dàn shěn xiào 淡淡哂笑 give a wry smile (rare lit)dàn dàn yī xiào 淡淡一笑 give a wry smile (current lit)dàn dàn de yī xiào 淡淡地一笑 smile wrily (current lit)dàn rán yī xiào 淡然一笑 give a wry smile (current lit)dàn ránde yī xiào 淡然地一笑 give a wry smile (rare, awkward, lit)dàn xiào 淡笑 laugh wrily (rare, awkward, literary)fù zhī yī xiào 付之一笑 react with an absent-minded or indifferent smile (current lit)hā hā yī xiào 哈哈一笑 give a short and relaxed smile

            Indignant smiles 嗔笑chēn xiào 嗔笑 give a quick angry smile (obsolescent, lit/cl)jiāo chēn yī xiào 嬌嗔一笑 (of a beautiful lady) give an upbraiding but loving smile (current lit)jiāo chēnde yī xiào 嬌嗔地一笑 give a charming disapproving smile (current lit)xiào chēn 笑嗔 give a disapproving smile

            Involuntary smiles 不由自主的笑bù jìn wǎn ěr 不禁莞爾 come to laugh (rare, cl)bù jué wǎn ěr 不覺莞爾 come to laugh (cl)bù jué yī xiào 不覺一笑 come to give a laugh (current, lit)fāxiào 發笑 break into laughter (current coll)fā xué (sic!) 發噱 break into laughter (current lit)hāi 咍 laugh at, break into laughter (obsolete, cl)lěng bù dīng yī xiào 冷不丁一笑 break into sudden laughter (very current)lěng dīng yī xiào 冷丁一笑 break into sudden laughter (current)rěn jùn bù jìn 忍俊(雋)不禁 laugh in spite of oneself, cannot help laughing (current lit)pēn fàn 噴飯 break into laughter (spewing out the rice one is eating) (current lit)shī xiào 失笑 come to laugh (in spite of oneself) (current)shī xiào pēn fàn 失笑噴飯 start laughing unexpectedly (Su Dongpo) (lit, non-idiomatic)xī 唏break into laughter (obsolete, classical)xiào bù gǎi róng 笑不改容 to keep one's countenance despite smiling (obs, literary)

            Joyful laughter 喜笑hāi xuē 咍噱 gleeful laughter (obsolete, classical)hái 咳 (孩) smile (as of small child; obsolete, classical)hái hái 咳咳 giggle (in common: obsolete, classical)huān gē xiàoyǔ 歡歌笑語 sing, laugh and talk (current)huān hāi wàjué 歡咍嗢噱 laugh with delight (obsolete, classical) huān méi xiàoliǎn 歡眉笑臉 laughing brows and a laughing face (obsolete, cl)huān rán yī xiào 歡然一笑 break into joyful laughter (obsolete, cl)huān shēng xiàoyǔ 歡聲笑語 merriment and laughter (current lit)huān xiào liántiān 歡笑連天 merriment and laughter rise to Heaven (obsolete, cl)huān xiào 歡笑 guffaw (current)jiě rán ér xiào 解然而笑 smile with relief (rare lit)jiě yán 解顏 break into a polite smile (rare literary)jiě yí 解頤break into a polite smile (current literary)jīng xiào 驚笑 laugh because of a pleasant surprise (rare lit)qìng xìng de yī xiào 慶幸地一笑 laugh joyfully (current lit, non-idiomatic)shì rán yī xiào 釋然一笑 give a relieved smile (current lit)xīn rán wēi xiào 欣然微笑 smile in delight (current lit)xī xī hā hā 嘻嘻哈哈 giggle and laugh (current colloquial)xī xī yī xiào 嘻嘻一笑 give a secret smile (current colloquial)xǐ méi xiào yǎn 喜眉笑眼 have happy eyebrows and smile (current lit)xǐ pí xiào liǎn 嬉皮笑臉 have a gleeful look and a smiling face (very current lit)xǐ xiào yán kāi 喜笑顏開 break into liberating joyful laughter (current lit)xiào xī xī 笑嘻嘻 laugh with delight (coll)xiào yì ǎng rán 笑意盎然 give a broad smile (current lit)xiào yíng yíng 笑盈盈 with a delighted smile (current lit)xiào yín yín 笑吟吟 smiling pleasantly (current lit)xiào lián fēi yáng 笑臉飛揚 have a radiant smile on one’s face (obs, lit)xǐ xiào yán kāi 喜笑顏開 give a polite relaxed smile (current lit)yí rán yī xiào 怡然一笑 be pleased and give a smile (current lit)yíng yíng yī xiào 盈盈一笑 give a hearty laugh (rare lit)yíng yíng yù xiào 盈盈欲笑 be full of glee and always ready to smile (rare lit)

            Lovely smiles 美人兒笑jiāo xiào 嬌笑 smile ingratiatingly (of women) (lit)qiào xiào 俏笑 give a pretty smile (of women) (current lit)qiàn xiào 倩笑sweet smile (literary)tián tián de yī xiào 甜甜地一笑 give a sweet smile (lit, non-idiomatic)tián mì de wēi xiào 甜蜜的微笑 give a sweet smile (current lit)yān 嫣 give a beautiful smile (obs, classical)yān rán hán xiào 嫣然含笑 give a charming smile (current lit)yān rán ér xiào 嫣然一笑 smile charmingly (Han, Song Yu) (current lit)yàn xiào 艷笑 laugh charmingly (current lit)

            Mysterious smiles 神秘的笑shén mì yī xiào 神秘一笑 give a mysterious smile (lit)shén mì de yī xiào 神秘地一笑 give a mysterious smile (lit, non-idiomatic)

            Obsequious smiles 諂笑chǎn xiào 諂笑 smile ingratiatingly (current lit)gōng wéi de yī xiào 恭維地一笑 give an obsequious smile (current lit)mǎn liǎn mèi xiào 滿臉媚笑 obsequious smiles all over t he face (current lit)mǎn liǎn péi xiào 滿臉賠笑 have a fawning smile all over one’s face (awkward lit)mèi rán yī xiào 媚然一笑 give an ingratiating smile (literary)mèi xiào 媚笑 smile ingratiatingly (current lit)tián rán yī xiào 恬然一笑 give a sweet smile (current lit)wū mèi de yī xiào 嫵媚地一笑 give an ingratiating smile (current lit, non-idiomatic)wǔ mèi yī xiào 嫵媚一笑 give an ingratiating smile (current lit)xié jiàn chǎn xiào 脅肩諂笑raise shoulders and give an ingratiating smile (current lit)yī liǎn chǎn xiào 一臉諂笑 have obsequious smiles all over one’s face (current lit)yī liǎn mèi xiào 一臉媚笑 have fawning smiles all over one’s face (current lit)yī liǎn xiào róng 一臉笑容 have smiles all over one’s face (current lit)zuò yī péi xiào 作揖賠笑 bow and offer obseqious smiles (current lit)

            Onomatopoeic words for laughter 擬聲è 啞 sound of laughing (shuowen; yijing 笑言啞啞) (obsolete, cl)èè 啞啞 sound of laughing (yijing) (obsolete, cl)gē gē 咯咯 chuckle, titter (onomatopoeic, coll)gé gé xiào 格格笑 giggle (coll)gér gér xiào 格格笑 giggle (coll)hēi hēi yī xiào 嘿嘿一笑 give a loud laugh (current)hēi hēi 嘿嘿loud sarcastic laughter (literary onomatopoeic)hú lú 胡盧 gutural laughter with hand in front of mouth (obsolete, cl)pū chī 扑哧 laugh out aloud (current onomatopoeic)pú chī yī xiào 噗嗤一笑 break into grunting laughter (current onomatopoeic)xiào hē hē 笑呵呵 give a hoarse laugh (current lit)yā yā 呀呀 sound of laughter (Han Yu, 讀東方朔雜事)

            Restrained smiles 放不開的笑jīn chíde yī xiào 矜持地一笑 give a restrained smile (current lit)sì xiào fēi xiào 似笑非笑 give an only apparent smile (current literary)xiào bù kě cè 笑不可測 give an inscrutable smile (obs, literary)yù xiào bù xiào 欲笑不笑 want to laugh but not laugh (coll)

            Self-satisfied smiles 得意的笑luō xū chàng xiào 捋鬚暢笑 pluck one’s beard and laugh to one’s heart’s content (rare lit)luō xū dà xiào 捋鬚大笑 pluck one’s beard and laugh out aloud (current lit)luō xū wēi xiào 捋鬚微笑 pluck one’s beard and smile (current lit)nián xū yī xiào 拈鬚一笑 pluck one’s beard and give a smile (current lit)niǎn xū ér xiào 捻鬚而笑 pluck one’s beard and give a smile (current lit)xiān xū dà xiào 掀鬚大笑 pluck one’s beard and break into loud laughter (rare, lit)xiān xū kuángxiào 掀鬚狂笑 pluck one’s beard and laugh wildly (rare lit)xiāo sǎ yī xiào 瀟灑一笑 give an unrestrained smile (current lit)yóu ěr 逌爾give a self-satisfied smile (obs, classical)

            Slight smiles 微笑dī méi qiǎn xiào 低眉淺笑 give an obedient smile with lowered eyebrows (cl, lit)hán chī 含嗤 smile (rare lit)hán chǐ wēi xiào 含齒微笑 smile without showing one’s teeth (cl)hán chǐ yī xiào 含齒一笑 give a smile without showing one’s teeth (cl)hán xiào 含笑 simper (current)huàn ěr 煥耳 smile (obsolete, cl)jìng jìng yī xiào 靜靜一笑 smile very calmly (current lit)liě zuǐ yī xiào 咧嘴一笑 give a broad smile (current)liě zuǐ xiào 咧嘴笑 give a broad smile (current)lù chǐ ér xiào 露齒而笑 laugh openly, showing one’s teeth (current lit)lù chǐ wēi xiào 露齒微笑 smile openly, showing one’s teeth (current lit)lù chǐ yī xiào 露齒一笑 give a smile, showing one’s teeth (current lit)lüè lüè yī xiào 略略一笑 give a slight smile (lit)mǎn liǎn dài xiào 滿臉帶笑 have a broad smile all over one’s face (current)mǎn liǎn duī xiào 滿臉堆笑 be all smiles (chengyu, current lit)mǎn liǎn hán xiào 滿臉含笑 have a face full of smiles (rare lit)mǎn liǎn xiào róng 滿臉笑容 be all smiles (current)mǎn liǎn xiào wén 滿臉笑紋 have laughter-wrinkles all over one’s facemǎn miàn xiào róng 滿面笑容 to be all in smiles (current lit)mǎn yì wēi xiào 滿意微笑 give a smile of satisfaction (awkward lit)méi huā yǎn xiào 眉花眼笑 break into a smile (??? ???)méi kāi yǎn xiào 眉開眼笑 break into laughter (current literary)mín zuǐr yī lè 抿嘴兒一樂 pucker one’s mouth and smile (Peking coll)mín zhe zuǐr xiào 抿著嘴兒笑 smile with a puckered mouth (Peking coll)mín zhe zuǐba xiào 抿著嘴巴笑 smile with a puckered mouth (less idiomatic, Peking coll)mín zuǐ yī xiào 抿嘴一笑 smile with a puckered mouth (current lit)mín zuǐ xiào 抿嘴笑 smile with a puckered mouth (current lit)mǐ mǐ wēi xiào 眯眯微笑 smile slightly with eyes contracted (???)mǐ yǎn wēi xiào 眯眼微笑 smile slightly with eyes contracted (non-idiomatic literary)mǐ zhe yǎn xiào 眯著眼笑 smile slightly with eyes contracted (colloquial)mì yǎn yī xiào 眯眼一笑 give a smile with eyes contracted (rare lit)miàn dài wēi xiào 面帶微笑 have a smile on one’s face (current lit)miàn dài xiàoyán 面帶笑顏 have a smile on one’s face (rare lit)miàn lù xǐ sè 面露喜色 show pleasure on one’s face (current lit)pò yán yī xiào 破顏一笑 break into a smile (rare lit)???pò yán 破顏 break into a smile (rare cl)qīng pín qiǎn xiào 輕顰淺笑 frown slightly and give a hint of a smile (rare lit)qīng qīng yī xiào 輕輕一笑 give a slight smile (current lit)qīng sòng yī xiào 輕鬆一笑 give a relaxed smile (current lit)qīng sòng de yī xiào 輕鬆地一笑 give a relaxed smile (current lit)qǐ chǐ wēi xiào 啟齒微笑 smile showing one’s teeth (current lit)qǐ chǐ yī xiào 啟齒一笑 give a smile showing one’s teeth (current lit)qiǎn xiào 淺笑 smile (current lit)qiǎn xiào dī pín 淺笑低顰 give a faint smile and a fain frown (rare lit)qiǎo rán yī xiào 悄然一笑 give a quiet smile (current lit)qǐ chí 啟齒give a smile (classical, Zhuangzi 24.9) (rare lit)qǐ yán 啟顏 give a smile (classical, see 啟顏錄) (obsolete, cl)wánxiào 玩笑 make fun ofwēi xiào 微笑 smile (current)wǎn ěr ér xiào 莞爾而笑 give a dignified smile (cl)wǎn ěr yǐ xiào 莞爾一笑 give a dignified smile (current lit)wǎn ěr 莞爾 give a polite smile (classical)wǎn rán ér xiào 莞然而笑 give a dignified smile (cl, non-idiomatic)wēi rán yī xiào 微然一笑 slightly literary: smile slightly (current lit)wēi shěn 微哂 smile (fairly rare, lit)wēi wēi yī xiào 微微一笑 give a very slight smile (current lit)wēi wēi dài xiào 微微帶笑 bear an ever so slight smile on one’s face (rare lit)wēi wēi xiào 微微笑 smile slightly (awkward, lit)wēn róu de yī xiào 溫柔地一笑 smile softly (current, non-idiomatic)xiào liě liě 笑咧咧 grin broadly (rare coll)xiào mà cóng rǔ 笑罵從汝 you may mock and swear as you like (classical)xiào mī le• yǎn 笑瞇了眼 be all smiles, give a broad grin (coll)xiào róng mǎn miàn 笑容滿面 be all smiles, smile broadly (very current lit)xiào wēi wēi 笑微微 be all smiles (臉上笑微微的) (current lit)yán 喭 faint smile (obs, classical)yáo tóu yī xiào 搖頭一笑 shake one’s head and smile (current lit)yī sī wēi xiào 一絲微笑 give a faint smile (current lit)yī sī xiào róng 一絲笑容 have a faint smile on one’s face (current lit)zuǐ jiǎo guà xiào 嘴角掛笑 hang a smile on the corners of one’s mouth (lit, non-idiomatic)

            Sneers 嘲笑cháo chī 嘲嗤 sneer at, ridicule (rare, cl)cháo hāi 嘲咍 sneer at (rare, cl)cháo mà 嘲罵 jeer and abuse (current lit)cháo shàn 嘲訕 deride, scoff at (current lit)cháo xiào 嘲笑 ridicule, deride (very common coll)cháo 嘲 laugh at (classical)cháonòng 嘲弄 make fun of, poke fun atcháo nüè 嘲謔make fun of, poke fun at (current lit)chī huǐ 嗤毀 deride (obsolete, classical)chī chū 嗤黜 give a disapproving smile (obsolete, cl)chī dǐ 嗤詆 deride (obsolete, classical)chī diǎn 嗤點 give an accusing smile (obsolete, classical)chī guài 嗤怪 make a sarcastic accusation (obsolete, classical)chī jìn 嗤靳 laugh at teasingly (incomprehensible, obsolete, classical)chī qiào 嗤誚give an accusing smile (obsolete, classical)chī xì 嗤戲 laugh at teasingly (obsolete, classical)chī xián 嗤嫌smile sarcastically (obsolete, classical)chǐ lěng 齒冷 sneer (current literary)chǐ xiào 恥笑 mock (current coll)jī xiào 譏笑 ridicule (current)jī fěng de yī xiào 譏諷地一笑 give a satiric smile (current lit)qīng miè de yī xiào 輕蔑地一笑 give a derisive laugh (current lit)qīng miè yī xiào 輕蔑一笑 give a derisive laugh (current lit)shàn xiào 訕笑 mock (literary)shěn 哂 (矧) mocking smile (rare, classical)shěn nüè 哂謔deride (obsolete, classical)shěn xiào 哂笑 smile a mocking smile (current lit)shěn rán yī xiào 哂然一笑 give a sneering smile (rare, classical)shuǎ xiào 耍笑 laugh at teasingly (very current)xiào lù 笑僇 mock (obs, classical, Tang)xiào zhú yán kāi 笑逐顏開 beam with smiles (current lit)yī xiào zhì zhī 一笑置之 dismiss a matter with a smile (current lit)zhāo xiào 招笑 smile invitingly (to attract customers)zhěn rán ér xiào 桓公辴然而笑曰zhuangzhèng xiào 正笑straightforward smile (literary)zhì zhī yī xiào 置之一笑 dismiss it with a smile (current lit)zì cháo 自嘲 laugh at oneself (current lit)zì chī 自嗤 laugh at oneself (classical)

            Vulgar smiles 淫笑làng xiào 浪笑 give a voluptuous or sensuous smileyín xiào 淫笑 lascivious smile, lusty smile (current lit)

            Wicked smiles 邪笑dé yìde jiān xiào 得意地奸笑 give a vicious triumphant smile (current lit)è dú de lěng xiào 惡毒的冷笑 a vicious and poisonous sarcastic smile (current lit)è xiào 惡笑 laugh wickedly (rare, lit)huàixiào 壞笑 give an evil laugh after a wicked deed (current)jiān xiào 奸笑 leer, perfidious smile (current lit)jiǎo huáde yī xiào 狡滑地一笑 give a wily smile (current lit)jiǎo xiáde yī xiào 狡黠地一笑 give a wily smile (current lit)jiǎo xiào 狡笑 smile craftily (rare, literary)lài xiào 賴笑 laugh shamelessly (rare lit)mǎnliǎn níng xiào 滿臉獰笑 smile viciously all over one’s face (current lit)mǎn liǎn xiéxiào 滿臉邪笑 have a wicked smile all over one’s faceníng xiào 獰笑 grin viciously (current lit)yī sī níng xiào 一絲獰笑 give a wicked forced grin (current lit)yīn zhì de yī xiào 陰騺地一笑 give a wicked smile (current lit)

            Miscellaneous smileschīyà 嗤訝 laugh in amazement (obsolete, classical)hái tí 咳啼 laugh and sob at the same time (as child; obsolete, classical)hán lèi ér xiào 含淚而笑 keep back one’s tears and smile (current lit)jù xiào 懼笑smile with fear (rare, lit)kū xiào bù dé 哭笑不得 not know whether to laugh or to cry (current)kū xiào 哭笑 give a tearful smile (rare, awkward)kū kū xiào xiào 哭哭笑笑give a tearful smile (current)lián shuō dài xiào 連說帶笑 accompany speech with laughter (colloquial)miàn dài jiān xiào 面帶奸笑 have a depraved smile on one’s face (current lit)mǐn xiào 憫笑 smile with compassion and concern (rare, literary)niǔ tóu yī xiào 扭頭一笑 turn one’s head and smile (current lit)pò tì wéi xiào 破涕為笑 stop crying and immediately start laughing (rare lit)pò nù wéi xiào 破怒為笑 stop being angry and immediately start laughing (rare lit)pò tì ér xiào 破涕而笑 stop crying and start laughing, turn from laughing to crying (current lit)rèn bēi qián gxiào 忍悲強笑 smile a forced smile, suppressing one’s sadness (lit, non-idiomatic)shuō huà dài xiào 說話帶笑 smile as one talks (current)shuō shuō xiào xiào 說說笑笑 smile as one talks (current)shuō xiào 說笑 laugh while speaking (current)suí yì shuō xiào 隨意說笑 talk and smile freely (current lit)tán xiào fēng shēng 談笑風聲 talk and smile in a lively way (current lit)tán xiào 談笑 laugh while talking (current)tǎn rán yī xiào 坦然一笑 break into free laughter (current lit, idiomatic)xiào yǔ yíng yíng 笑語盈盈smile and talk enthusiastically (current lit)xiào yǔ dàng yàng 笑語蕩漾 laughter and banter all around keep on laughing (rare lit)xiào zhōng cáng nù 笑中藏怒 hide anger behind a smile (rare, literary)yán xiào 言笑 laugh as one talks???yī pín yī xiào 一顰一笑 frown and smile alternatively (current lit)yōu rán yī xiào 悠然一笑 give a wistful smile (current lit)yǒu shuō yǒu xiào 有說有笑 laugh while talking (coll)[dòuxiào 逗笑 amusedù xiào 妒笑 smile in a jealous way (rare lit)???fēi xiào 非笑 deride (obsolete, classical) ???fēi xiào 非笑 deride (obsolete, classical) ???ō 喔 unnatural smile; smile unnaturally (cl)pái xié 俳諧 be facetious (classical) cf. páixiéwén 俳諧文 (obsolete, cl)qì 唭manner of laughing (Jiyun 集韻) (cl)qì yí 唭疑with mouth radical descriptive term for laughter (obsolete, cl)qǔ xiào 取笑 ridicule (classical: cause oneself to be ridiculed)quán 齤 laugh (huainanzi: 士者齤然而笑曰嘻 (obsolete, cl)tīng rán ér xiào 聽然而笑 (Sima Xiangru, shji 117) shuowen: 笑貌 (obsolete, cl)xiào bǐ hé qīng 笑比河清 it is hard to detect a smile on his face (中國成語大詞典 p. 1421???? (obsolete, classical)xiào huà bǎi chū 笑話百出make oneself ridiculout at every point (very current lit)xiào huàn 笑喚 poke fun at (obs, classical)???yì 囈 laugh (classical)yǐn 听 laugh (shiji: 公听然而笑 (obs, cl)

            Old Chinese Contrasts
            《鄧析子 · 無厚》: " 體痛者口不能不呼,心悅者顏不能不笑。 " 《素問 · 陰陽應象大論》: " 在聲為笑。 " 王冰注: " 笑,喜聲也。 "

            • A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages ( BUCK 1988) p. 16.25

            • De Rerum Humanarum Emendatione ( COMENIUS 1665) p. 636

              RISUS est diffluente cordis laetitia spiritu facta, diaphragmatis et musculorum oris titillatio et tumor. Reqv. intellectus qvaedam oblectatio in Cerebro. 2. cui repondens et assiliens motu suo Cor, primum vicina praecordia commovet. Rursumqve ad Cerebrum laetitiam reddens, per vicinos meatus oris et arteriae se violenter dissipat, sonitumqve edit.

            • Lateinische Synonyme und Etymologien ( DOEDERLEIN 1840) p.


              ridere is the standard word referring to a joyful and temperate audible laugh.

              cachinari refers to an unrestrained and resounding fit of laughter.

              subridere refers to only a visible slight smile.

              renidere refers to the expression of a friendly, but sometimes also of dissembling humour through a smile.

            • Traite elementaire des synonymes grecques ( DUFOUR 1910) p. 162

            • A Russian-English Collocational Dictionary of the Human Body ( IORDANSKAJA 1996) p. 342

            • A Russian-English Collocational Dictionary of the Human Body ( IORDANSKAJA 1996) p. 367

            • A Russian-English Collocational Dictionary of the Human Body ( IORDANSKAJA 1996) p. 391

            • Anthologia sive Florilegium rerum et materiarum selectarum ( LANGIUS 1631) p.




            • Woerterbuch der Philosophie. Neue Beitraege zu einer Kritik der Sprache ( MAUTHNER WP 1924) p. II.269

            • Lateinische Synonymik ( MENGE) p. 100

            • Histoire du rire et de la derision ( MINOIS 2000) p.

            • Dictionnaire culturel en langue francaise ( REY 2005) p. 4.345

            • Handbuch der lateinischen und griechischen Synonymik ( SCHMIDT 1889) p. 33

            • Historisches Woerterbuch der Rhetorik ( UEDING 1992ff) p. 5.1

            • 中國文化背景八千詞 Zhongguo wenhua beijing ba qian ci ( WU SANXING 2008) p. 231ff

            • Histoire des moeurs ( POIRIER 1991) p. 2.247-309

              Insubstantial but occasionally inspiring.

            • Handwörterbuch des deutschen Aberglaubens ( BAECHTHOLD-STAEUBLI 1987) p. 6.866

            • Handbook of Greek Synonymes, from the French of M. Alex. Pillon, Librarian of the Bibliothèque Royale , at Paris, and one of the editors of the new edition of Plaché's Dictionnaire Grec-Français, edited, with notes, by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold, M.A. Rector of Lyndon, and late fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ( PILLON 1850) p. no.143

            • 古漢語常用詞同義詞詞典 ( HONG CHENGYU 2009) p. 288

            • Les passions ordinaires Collection Chemins de traverse ( LE BRETON 1998) p. 111FF

            • A New Dictionary of Classical Greek Synonyms ( T.W.HARBSMEIER 2004) p. NO.143

            • Encyclopedia of Comparative Iconography ( ROBERTS 1998) p. 489

            • Bibliographisches Handbuch zur Sprachinhaltsforschung. Teil II. Systematischer Teil. B. Ordnung nach Sinnbezirken (mit einem alphabetischen Begriffsschluessel): Der Mensch und seine Welt im Spiegel der Sprachforschung ( FRANKE 1989) p. 51B

            Attributions by syntactic funtion

            • vtoN : 74
            • vi : 36
            • VPi : 18
            • VPtoN : 10
            • vadV : 9
            • NPab : 6
            • nab : 5
            • VPadV : 5
            • VPt(oN) : 5
            • vtoS : 4
            • vtoNab{S} : 3
            • vadN : 1

            Attributions by text

            • 史記 : 21
            • 韓非子 : 20
            • 百喻經 : 17
            • 莊子 : 15
            • 呂氏春秋 : 11
            • 春秋左傳 : 8
            • 韓詩外傳 : 8
            • 孟子 : 7
            • 禮記 : 6
            • 淮南子 : 5
            • 祖堂集 : 5
            • 古列女傳 : 5
            • 列子 : 4
            • 晏子春秋 : 4
            • 論衡 : 4
            • 說苑 : 3
            • 法言 : 3
            • 論語 : 3
            • 鹽鐵論 : 3
            • 管子 : 3
            • 山海經 : 3
            • 荀子 : 3
            • 妙法蓮華經 : 3
            • 戰國策 : 2
            • 楚辭 : 2
            • 陸機集十一卷 : 1
            • 阮籍集四卷 : 1
            • 法句經 : 1
            • 春秋穀梁傳 : 1
            • 賢愚經 : 1
            • 臨濟錄 : 1
            • 毛詩 : 1
            • 新論-漢-桓譚 : 1


              xiào OC: sqows MC: siɛu 130 AttributionsWD

            The clearly predominant word for smiling and laughing is xiào 笑 which refers to any laughter, loud or quiet, kind or unkind.

              Word relations
            • Ant: 啼/WEEP Tí 啼refers to plaintive long-drawn wailing.
            • Ant: 哀/GRIEF The current general word for deep sorrow is āi 哀 (ant. lè 樂 "profound joy"), and this word refers to an inner state of mind that typically finds expression in ritualised action.
            • Ant: 顰 / 嚬 / 顰嚬矉/FROWN Perhaps the most current word referring to all manner of frowning-like behaviour is pín 顰/嚬.
            • Epithet: 局局然/LAUGH
            • Epithet: 莞爾/SMILE
            • Epithet: 辴然/LAUGH
            • Assoc: 歡 / 歡 / 驩/HAPPY Huān 歡 (ant. bēi 悲 "sadness" and chóu 愁 "worried sadness") refers to sociable temporary high spirits and happiness, not only visible to many but normally shared by a group.
            • Assoc: 和/HARMONY The general word for bringing something into a state where it is well in tune or keeping in tune with something is hé 和.
            • Assoc: 喜/DELIGHT Xǐ 喜 (ant. yōu 憂 "worry") is openly manifested delight, manifested in an individual, visible to all, but not normally of any profound significance.
            • Assoc: 語/DIALOGUE The current general word for engaging in familiar informal conversation is yǔ 語 (ant. mò 默 "say nothing").
            • Assoc: 談/SPEAK Tán 談 refers to informal chatter, mostly with some pejorative connotation.
            • Oppos: 怒/ANGER Nù 怒 (ant. xǐ 喜 "be delighted") is the general word for anger, and the word tends to imply overt manifestation of feelings of anger, typically in terms of altered breathing patterns. (cf. nù 怒 "to puff oneself up") [OVERT], [PERSONAL]
            • Oppos: 瞋/STARE The current general word for staring at something or at someone is chēn 瞋.
            • Oppos: 義/APPROPRIATE

              Syntactic words
            • nabactlaughter, sneer
            • nabeventa laughing matter
            • vadNfull of laughter, accomnpanied by laughter
            • vadVamusedgiggling all the while, with an amused peal of laughter
            • vadVdisdainfulwith a sneer
            • viactsmile/laugh (typically disdainfully)
            • viactlaugh noisily, delighted
            • viactproduce an audible sneer
            • viactshow laughing behaviour
            • vipassivebe ridiculous [mark the strange categorisation "vi - pass" which distinguishes this meaning from a possible "given to laughing".
            • vt(oN)imperativelaugh at the contextually determinate person (mostly with negative!??)
            • vtoN+suobe laughed at, be sneered at
            • vtoNab{S}laugh at the (nominalised) situation S
            • vtoNdisdainfulnormally: find ridiculous and laugh at, sneer at
            • vtoNdisdainfulget laughed at 為天下笑
            • vtoNpsych(with an inward smile:) find ridiculous
            • vtoSdisdainfullaugh at N for V-ing
            • vtoSS=narrativelaugh because of the situation described by SDS
            大笑  dà xiào OC: daads sqows MC: dɑi siɛu 11 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • VPadVcongenialwith loud laughter, laughing loudly 大笑曰 (Note that one could also take this as a simple series "laughed loudly and said:". Both attributions can coexist in our system to alert us to these possibilities - which in this case are not very important.)
            • VPiactlaugh out aloud, break into laughter
            • VPidisdainfullaugh aloud
            • VPtoN+suobe completely ridiculed
            嗤笑  chī xiào OC: khljɯ sqows MC: tɕhɨ siɛu 10 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • NPabactderisive laughter
            • VPt(oN)laugh at a contextually determinate situation
            • VPtoNlaugh at
            嘻笑  xī xiào OC: qhɯ sqows MC: hɨ siɛu
            喜笑  xǐ xiào OC: qhɯʔ sqows MC: hɨ siɛu 6 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • NPabactjoyful laughter
            • VPiactbreak into loud laughter
            戲笑  xì xiào OC: qhras sqows MC: hiɛ siɛu 6 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • NPabacthumour; laughing matter; the fooling around
            • VPiactjoke and laugh > laugh at people, make fun of people
            怪笑  guài xiào OC: kruuds sqows MC: kɣɛi siɛu 3 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • NPabactamazed laughter
            • VPtoNlaugh at in amazement
            獨笑  dú xiào OC: dooɡ sqows MC: duk siɛu 2 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • VPiactsmile to oneself
              jìn OC: kɯns MC: kɨn 1 AttributionWD
              Syntactic words
            • vtoNsneer at
            見齒  xiàn chǐ OC: ɡeens khljɯʔ MC: ɦen tɕhɨ 1 AttributionWD
              Syntactic words
            • viactlaugh, showing one's teeth in the process
            辴然  chī rán OC: khrlɯl njen MC: ʈhi ȵiɛn 1 AttributionWD

              Word relations
            • Epithet: 笑/LAUGH The clearly predominant word for smiling and laughing is xiào 笑 which refers to any laughter, loud or quiet, kind or unkind.

              Syntactic words
            • VPadVwith a chuckle
            啞爾笑  yǎ ěr xiào OC: qraaʔ mljelʔ sqows MC: ʔɣɛ ȵiɛ siɛu 1 AttributionWD
              Syntactic words
            • VPiactgive a hollow laugh
            為人笑  wéi rén xiào OC: ɢʷal njin sqows MC: ɦiɛ ȵin siɛu 1 AttributionWD
              Syntactic words
            • NPabeventbecoming the laughing stock of others
            • VPipassivebecome the laughing stock of others
            取笑  qǔ xiào MC: tshjuX -- OC: skhoʔ --CH 1 AttributionWD
              Syntactic words
            • VPtoNpassivebe laughed atCH
            啞爾  è ěr MC: 'eak nyeX OC: qreeɡ mljelʔCH 1 AttributionWD
              Syntactic words
            • VPadVbreaking into hoarse laughterCH
            啞爾笑  è ěr xiào MC: 'eak nyeX -- OC: qreeɡ mljelʔ sqowsCH 1 AttributionWD
              Syntactic words
            • VPibreak into hoarse laughterCH
              cì OC: skhleɡs MC: tshiɛ 0 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • vtoNput forward incisive criticism
              hē OC: qhlaal MC: hɑ 0 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • vi.redactREDUP: laugh
            • vtoNlaunch a wild (sarcastic?) public verbal attack
              Click here to add pinyin OC:  MC: 0 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • vilaugh ?????
              chī OC: khljɯ MC: tɕhɨ 0 AttributionsWD

            Chī 嗤 is almost onomatopoeic and refers to noisy derisive laughter.

              Syntactic words
            • viactlaugh out aloud
            • vtoNlaugh out aloud at
              xiān OC: qhran MC: hiɛn 0 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • vilaugh ???
              kuī OC: khʷlɯɯ MC: khuo̝i 0 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • vtoNP: laugh at
              Click here to add pinyin OC:  MC: ɕin 0 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • nabactthe showing of one's teeth
            • viact(laugh so as to) show one's teeth
              qiào OC: dzewɡs MC: dziɛu 0 AttributionsWD

            Qiào 誚 refers to ridiculing someone.

              Syntactic words
            • viactlaugh, ridicule
            • vtoNERYA: ridicule
              jī OC: kɯl MC: kɨi 0 AttributionsWD

            Jī 譏 refers to deliberate articulate satire including criticism.

              Syntactic words
              chī OC: khrlɯl MC: ʈhi 0 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • vilaugh ??
            傲笑  ào xiào OC: ŋoows sqows MC: ŋɑu siɛu 0 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • NPabacthaughty disdainful laughter
            悖然  bèi rán OC: bɯɯds njen MC: buo̝i ȵiɛn 0 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • VPadVbursting out with laughter
            猶然  yóu rán OC: k-lu njen MC: jɨu ȵiɛn 0 AttributionsWD
              Syntactic words
            • VPadVunruffled; in an undaunted manner; haughtily; light-heartedly??;
            局局然  jú jú rán OC: ɡoɡ ɡoɡ njen MC: gi̯ok gi̯ok ȵiɛn 0 AttributionsWD

              Word relations
            • Epithet: 笑/LAUGH The clearly predominant word for smiling and laughing is xiào 笑 which refers to any laughter, loud or quiet, kind or unkind.

              Syntactic words
            • VPadVwith a chuckle

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