Taxonomy of meanings for 壁:  

  • 壁 bì (OC: peeɡ MC: pek) 北激切 入 廣韻:【説文云垣也釋名曰壁辟也辟禦風寒也漢官典職曰省中皆胡粉壁紫素界之畫古烈士亦州名本漢宕渠地武德初爲壁州北激切六 】
    • WALL
      • nthe outer four walls defining a house; in military strategy: a temporary wall or blockade erected as a defense against the enemy
      • nadVin a wall 壁藏之 "hide in the wall" SHIJI, Rulinliezhuan

      Additional information about 壁

      說文解字: 【壁】,垣也。从土、辟聲。 【比激切】