Taxonomy of meanings for 游 / 遊:  

  • 游 yóu (OC: lu MC: jiu) 以周切 平 廣韻:【浮也放也又姓出馮翊廣平前燕慕容廆以廣平游邃爲股肱 】
    • SWIM
      • vadNswimmming and cavorting
      • viactswim
      • vt+Nswim across; swim in
      • vt+prep+Ntake a swim in
      • general> SPORTS
        • nswimming
        • viactto swim
      • process: the flow of water> FLOW
        • move on water or land> TRAVEL
          • viactwander about; be on a pleasure trip; take a pleasure trip; roam freely
          • vtoNbe on a pleasure trip to; travel to (on business), travel (the four seas); enjoy oneself in (a place)
          • viactto be engaged in a specific kind of spring travel, during which the Emperor provided material support to the people
          • nabacta specific kind of spring travel, during which the Emperor provided material support to the people
          • vtoNcausativelet roam freely (one's eyes, or a knife when one is a butcher etc)
          • vt+prep+Nfigurativeroam freely in
          • vt+prep+Ntravel to, roam in
          • vadNitinierant, roving
          • vtoNfigurativeroam with pleasure in; revel in (spiritual places or spaces)
          • viactroam freely
          • v[adN]itinerant official employeesCH
          • vt(oN)travel to a contextually determinate NDS
          • causative: cause to move in all directions> SCATTER
            • vtoNcausativesend all over the place, spread (to different parts of the world etc)
          • =遊 move on land> WALK
            • vtoNgo for a walk in N; hike in
            • free time> LEISURE
              • viactcultivate leisure; enjoy oneself
              • of animals frolicking freely> COPULATE
                • vtoNcopulate with (members of the opposite sex)

      Additional information about 游

      說文解字: 【游】,旌旗之流也。 〔小徐本作「旌旗斿也。」〕 从㫃、汓聲。 〔小徐本下有「汓,古文泅。」〕 【以周切】 【𨒰(䢊)】,古文游。 〔小徐本無「游」。此字次於「旇」字之後。〕

      • TRAVEL

        1. The standard word for travelling for any purpose is xíng 行.

        2. Yóu 遊/游 refers specifically to travelling for pleasure.

        3. Zhēng 征 is an elevated term sometimes referring to a major travelling expedition.

      • LEISURE

        1. The current general term for the period of time not occupied by working is xián 閒 (ant. QIMIN YAOSHU 忙 "busy").

        2. Xiá 暇 refers specifically to the time of leisure between working spells.

        3. Jià 假 refers to an extended period free from official obligations, a holiday, and the word is marginal in this group.

        4. Yóu 游 / 遊 refers to the leisure-activities during one's free time.

        5. Kòng 空 refers abstractly to unoccupied time as such.

        6. Xián 嫻 / 閑 refers specifically to the kind of free and easy attitude one has during one's free time, but also to the work-free nature of something, and the word is often used as an adjective.

        7. Yàn 燕 and yàn 宴 refers to leisure time with a special focus on this time as an occasion for pleasure and enjoyment, often including food and music.

      • REMAIN

        1. The current word for staying or remaining in one place is jū 居 (ant. xíng 行 "walk away").

        2.Chǔ 處 (ant. yóu 游 "travel"), much rarer than jū 居, refers to being situated in one place rather than moving about, and the word, in this meaning, can refer to persons as well as things.

        3. Zhǐ 止 is inchoative and refers to the coming to stop so as to remain in a certain place after movement.

        4. Liú 留 (ant. lí 離 "get away from a place") refers to immobility in one place after one has already spent some time there.

        5. Zhù 駐 can come to refer to staying in a place other than one's home.

        6. Zhì 滯 refers to getting stuck in one place, being unable to leave.

      • SWIM

        1. The current standard word for swimming, mostly for pleasure, is yóu 游/遊.

        2. Liú 流 is occasionally used to refer to swimming, but not as a recreational activity.

        3. Shuǐ 水 "water" is sometimes used to refer to moving in water.

      • KNIGHT

        1. The current standard word for a knight is xiá 俠.

        2. Jiàn 劍, when used to refer to a sword-bearing knight, focusses on his formidable weapon.

        3. Yóu xiá 游俠 refers to a strong, brave, and honest knight-errant.

        4. Since many knights-errant were from the states of >Zhào and Yàn, these were later called Zhào kè 趙客.

        5. As many knight-errants were strong, they were polite designation was háo kè 豪客.

        6. As knight-errants were respected for helping the poor they were politely referred to as zhǎng zhě 長者. DATE?

        Word relations
      • Epithet: (TRAVEL)學/STUDY The dominant word is xué 學 (ant. jiào 教 "train teach")which refers primarily to studying or training under another person, and secondarily to the learning by heart texts. Very often, the word retains a tinge of immitation.