Taxonomy of meanings for 凌:  

  • 凌 líng (OC: b-rɯŋ MC: lɨŋ) 力膺切 平 廣韻:【冰凌 】
    • ATTACK
      • vtoNfigurativeattack intellectually LH
    • COLD
      • npost-Han: ice as substance used for keeping foodstuff cold or for consumption
      • vtoNcross over 渡過;逾越。 《戰國策·燕策》:“ 胡 與 越 人言語不相知,志意不相通,同舟而凌波,至其相救助如一也。”
      • vtoNdominate; maltreat; oppress; see 陵
      • vadVfiercely; cruelly;DS
    • ICE
      • ASCEND
        • RIDE
          • NEAR
            • OPPOSE
              • TREMBLE
              • 凌 líng (OC: b-rɯŋ MC: lɨŋ) 力膺切 平 廣韻:【同凌 】
              • língRISE
                • virise highCH
                • nabrising, going in the upward direction (of a slope)CH
                • vtoNrise into NDS

              Additional information about 凌

              說文解字: 【(𣎎𠗲)】、仌出也。从仌、朕聲。《詩》曰:納于𠗲陰。 【力膺切】 【凌】,𠗲或从夌。

                Word relations
              • Contrast: (OPPRESS)弱/WEAK The current general word for weakness of any physical or abstract kind, and of anything including states, persons, and animals is ruò 弱 (ant. qiáng 強 "strong").
              • Synon: (ATTACK)伐/ATTACK Fá 伐 refers to a large-scale typically destructive formal attack by one state on another, typically formally announced, and with much beating of drums. [DESCENDING], [MILITARY], [LARGE-SCALE!], [OVERT]