Taxonomy of meanings for 達:  

  • 達 dá (OC: daad MC: dɑt) 唐割切 入 廣韻:【通達亦姓出何氏姓苑又虜複姓三氏後魏憲帝弟爲達奚氏又達勃氏後改爲裒氏周文帝達歩妃生齊煬王憲唐割切二 】
    • REACH
      • vtoNreach up to, get to
      • vt prep Nreach out toCH
      • vireach the intended aim; specifically: convey the intended meaningCH
      • reaching everywhere> COMMON
        • one's aim> SUCCEED
          • nabeventsuccess
          • vadNachieved, successful, consummate
          • vichangesucceed, win through; reach one's destination; succeed in one's career
          • vtoNperfectivesucceed in, be successful in connection with
          • vtoNcause to succeed 自達 "cause oneself to succeed"CH
          • vibe generally successfulCH
          • feature: successful> NOBLE
          • intellectually> UNDERSTAND
            • viactmake oneself understood
            • vistativehave an accomplished understanding of things
            • vt+prep+Nhave a pertinent (practical) understanding of
            • vt+Sunderstand that S
            • vtoNperfectivereach a full understanding of; understand properly
            • vt(oN)fail to quite get the meaning of the contextually determinate N
          • reach the surface, sprout up> SPROUT
              • so as to well up> SOURCE
                • vispout; well up (of spring)
            • object place> ARRIVE
              • vt+prep+Nperfectiveget through to (a place); reach (a place)
              • vtoNfigurativeattain to
              • vtoNperfectiveget through to
              • grammaticalised: time, when the time was reached, when it came to> WHEN
                • vt0oN.adSwhen it came to the time N
          • personal names> MALES OF ZHENG
            • personal names> ARISTOCRATS OF WEY
              • personal names> ARISTOCRATS OF LU
                • NPprStandard Name: Earl Aī of Zāng. Unger no 16 (Floruit 710 - 683)Personal Name: Dá 達
            • 達 tà (OC: thaad MC: tʰɑt) 他達切 入 廣韻:【挑達往來皃又唐割切 】
            • 達 tì (OC: theeds MC: tʰei) 他計切 去 廣韻:【足滑 】
            • TRANSMIT
              • vtt(oN1.)+N2causativecause to reach > deliver
              • vtt(oN1.)+N2figurativetransfer or extend the contextually determinate N1 to N2CH
              • vttoN1.+N2transmit N1 to N2CH

            Additional information about 達


            • ARRIVE






              1. The general current word is zhì 至, and the word refers to the process of going somewhere with the final result (sometimes achieved with difficulty) of getting there.

              [GENERAL]; [COMMON]

              2. Dào 到 refers specifically to the reaching of a destination with no recognisable tendency to focus on the difficulty of getting there.

              [LITERAL]; [RARE]

              3. Jí 及 refers to the point of literal arrival, but the word is in practice often hard to distinguish in meaning from zhì 至.

              [LITERAL]; [COMMON]

              4. Zhì 致 "reach as far as" sometimes emphasises the difficulty of the task of reaching, but this word too is often hard to distinguish in meaning from 至 as defined above when it means "arrive".

              [DIFFICULT!], [PROCESS!]

              5. Tōng 通 emphasises the absence of impediments or hindrances in the passage towards a certain place and it refers to the general ability to get through.


              6. Dá 達 is the result of tōng 通 "having unimpeded access to" and describes the successful arrival at a destination.


              7. Dǐ 抵 emphasises the arriving as the end of a complete itininerary with a beginning and an end.


            • FAIL

              1. The current general word for failure is shī 失 (ant. dé 得 "get somewhere").

              2. Qióng 窮 (ant. dá 達 "successful") refers to getting into an impasse, a situation from which there is no way out, or being hopelessly unsuccessful with what one is trying to do.

              3. Bài 敗 (ant. chéng 成 "achieve one's purpose") construes failure as a defeat in some personal or social undertaking or campaign.

              4. Bēng 崩 construes a failure as a momentous disaster.

              5. Fù 負 refers specifically to a defeat versus a victory.

            • POOR

              1. The current general word for poverty is pín 貧 (ant. fù 富 "rich"), but the term does not in general refer to transitory poverty.

              2. Qióng 窮 (ant. fù 富 "rich") refers to an extreme state of destitution, which may, however, be transitory, and the word may also refer not so much to poverty as such as marked lack of expected success, professional failure (ant. dá 達 ); and the word may also refer to persons without regular means of support such as widows and orphans.

              3. Fá 乏 (ant. yù 裕 "abundantly supplied") refers to a shortage in a certain commodity or in a certain specified group of commodities.

              4. Kùn 困 (ant.* kuān 寬 "in comfortable economic circumstances") refers to poverty as constituting serious hardship.

              5. Yuē 約 (ant. chuò 綽 "be abundantly supplied") refers to mild poverty or straightened circumstances.

              6. Jué 絕 refers to temporary poverty viewed as the result of a sudden change of circumstances.

              7. Jié 竭 refers a state of extremely low supply that has come about through a gradual change in circumstances.

              8. Jiǒng 窘 (ant. jǐ 給 "be sufficiently supplied") is a rare word referring to a general state of run-down destitution.

            • SUCCEED

              1. The general word for succeeding is 達 (ant. qiǒ2ng 窮 "get nowhere, have no way out") refers quite simply to "making it".

              2. Tōng 通 (ant. kùn 困 "run into trouble, get into trouble") refers to the achievement of unimpeded progress in what one is trying to do.

              3. Jī 幾 (ant. jiǒng 窘 "get into a hopeless position") refers to an almost complete success.

              4. Jí 及 refers to the successful reaching of a high level.

              5. Dé yì 得意 (liǎo dǎo 潦倒 "end up in a hopeless position") refers to the full achievement of one's highest ambitions or hopes.

              6. Yù 遇 (ant. bù yù 不遇 "fail to succeed") refers to success under certain specific circumstances or by chance.

            • CROSSROADS

              1. Qú 衢 refers generally to an intersection of roads, either in a city or in the countryside, from which one can move in four or more directions, once in CC even nine directions.

              2. Chōng 衝 refers to such an intersection especially as a centre of communications.

              3. Jiē 街 is sometimes used to refer to a cross-road within a city.

              ERYA 一達謂之道路;二達謂之歧旁;三達謂之劇旁;四達謂之衢;五達謂之康;六達謂之莊;七達謂之劇驂;八達謂之崇期;九達謂之逵。 is a wonderful example of rationalisation in lexicography.

              Word relations
            • Ant: (SUCCEED)窮/DISTRESS Qióng 窮 (ant. tōng 通 "have a way out from a difficult situation") refers to a form form of distress as something from which it is impossible or hard to escape.
            • Contrast: (REACH)致/REACH
            • Assoc: (UNDERSTAND)覽/UNDERSTAND
            • Assoc: (ARRIVE)通/ARRIVE Tōng 通 emphasises the absence of impediments or hindrances in the passage towards a certain place and it refers to the general ability to get through. [PROCESS]
            • Assoc: (REACH)洞/REACH