- 屏 bīng (OC: peŋ MC: piɛŋ) 府盈切 平 廣韻:【屏盈徬徨又餅萍二音 】
- 屏 bǐng (OC: peŋʔ MC: piɛŋ) 必郢切 上 廣韻:【蔽也爾雅曰屏謂之樹又廣雅曰罘罳謂之屏風俗通云卿大夫帷士以廉以自鄣蔽
- nscreen of any kind, serving as a wall, mobile or immobile, but never reaching up to the ceiling
- typical function>BLOCK
- vadNfigurativeblocked off, separated off > secluded
- vtoNblock off (e.g. hold one's breath)
- vtoNfigurativeblock off; keep away
- against
- nscreen; protection
- vtoNto screen; to protect; to safeguard; be a fence for
- resultative>AVOID
- causative>REMOVE
- remove
oneself from place>WITHDRAW
- vt[oN]withdrawCH
- vt prep Nwithdraw to NCH
- small turret>TOWER
- 屏 píng (OC: beeŋ MC: beŋ) 薄經切 平 廣韻:【三禮圖曰扆從廣八尺畫斧文今之屏風則遺象也又必郢切 】
- nscreen of any kind, serving as a wall, mobile or immobile, but never reaching up to the ceiling
- vadNremote and obscure
- vadVfar off; far away; isolated and remote