Taxonomy of meanings for 耿:  

  • 耿 gěng (OC: kreeŋʔ MC: kɯæŋ) 古幸切 上 廣韻:【耿介也又耿耿不安也又姓晉大夫趙夙㓕耿因封焉遂以國爲氏古幸切三 】
    • BRIGHT
      • vadNbright
      • vibright; shine
    • GOOD
      • vadNhonest, upright
    • STATES
      • NPprGěng 耿 (CHEN PAN 1969, 560-562)Ruling clan: Jī 姬 (according to the Jìn shìjiā jí jiě and to the Du's commentary), or Yíng 嬴 (according to the Lù shǐ Guó míng jì, Dūchéng jì, and Jùn guó zhì).Rank: Unknown.Founded: Unknown.Destroyed: 661 B.C. by Jìn 晉 (ZUO Min 1).Location: In the south-eastern part of the modern Héjīn 河津 district, Shānxī province.History: A small state destroyed by Jìn. Thereafter, the area became a fief of the Zhào 趙 lineage.
    • SHINE
      • PURE
        • SAD
          • COMBINE
            • BLOCK
              • PROTRUDE
                • PLACE NAMES
                  • STATES
                    • NPprGěng 耿 (CHEN PAN 1969, 560-562)Ruling clan: Jī 姬 (according to the Jìn shìjiā jí jiě and to the Du's commentary), or Yíng 嬴 (according to the Lù shǐ Guó míng jì, Dūchéng jì, and Jùn guó zhì).Rank: Unknown.Founded: Unknown.Destroyed: 661 B.C. by Jìn 晉 (ZUO Min 1).Location: In the south-eastern part of the modern Héjīn 河津 district, Shānxī province.History: A small state destroyed by Jìn. Thereafter, the area became a fief of the Zhào 趙 lineage.
                  • SURNAMES

                    Additional information about 耿

                    說文解字: 【耿】,耳箸頰也。从耳、烓省聲。 〔小徐本「烓」作「烔」。〕 杜林說:耿,光也。从光、聖省。 〔小徐本作「從光、聖省聲。」〕 凡字皆左形右聲,杜林非也。 【徐鍇曰:凡字多右形左聲。此說或後人所加,或傳寫之 誤 。】 【古杏切】

                    • BRIGHT

                      1. The general term for what appears luminous or bright in the broadest sense of these terms is míng 明 (ant. àn 暗 "dark" and yǐn 隱 "dark"), a word heavily laden with religious overtones.

                      2. Liàng 亮 "bright" (ant. yōu 幽 "dark and shady"), càn 燦 and làn 爛 are primarily optical and rather prosaic terms to use.

                      3. Zhāo 昭 "resplendent" (ant. míng 冥 "dark"), gěng 耿 "brilliant", hào 皓 "shining bright", yè 燁, and hè 赫 "luminous" is a highly charged ritually high-flown word that belongs to court language, often with metaphorical force.

                      4. Yáng 陽 "bright" (ant. yīn 陰 "dark") is simply the opposite of dark and does not connote any high degree of luminosity.

                      5. Lǎng 朗 is an elevated word used to refer to things resplendent and bright.

                      6. Hào 顥 and qíng 晴 "bright" refers to the brightness of the sky.

                      7. Yàn 宴/曣 refers specifically to the brightness of the sky.

                      8. Guāng 光 refers generally to light or even resplendence. See LIGHT

                      For causative uses see ILLUMINATE.

                      For figurative uses see ILLUSTRIOUS