Taxonomy of meanings for 陶:  

  • 陶 táo (OC: b-lu MC: dɑu) 徒刀切 平 廣韻:【陶甄尸子曰夏桀臣昆吾作陶周書神農作瓦器又陶正官名齊職儀曰左右甄官署掌塼瓦之作也又喜也正也化也亦姓陶唐之後今出丹陽徒刀切二十五 】
      • npottery
      • nabmethodpottery, the trade of a potter
      • nmadNmade of pottery
      • v[adN]ZHOULI: potter
      • vadNearthenware
      • vi+N{PLACE}engage in pottery in Npl
      • viactengage in pottery
      • vtoNmake by the methods of pottery> fashion, mould, make
    • object earthenware vessels>PRODUCE
      • specialist in>ARTISAN
        • npotter
        • nabactthe art of pottery; pottery
      • FLOURISH
        • HAPPY
          • vilook pleased; be happy 《禮記‧檀弓下》:『人喜則斯陶,陶斯詠。』
      • 陶 yáo (OC: b-lew MC: jiɛu) 餘昭切 平 廣韻:【臯陶舜臣又徒刀切 】

        Additional information about 陶

        說文解字: 【陶】,再成丘也,在濟陰。从𨸏、匋聲。《夏書》曰:東至于陶丘。陶丘有堯城,堯嘗所居,故堯號陶唐氏。 〔小徐本「氏」下有「也」。〕 【徒刀切】

        • ARTISAN

          1. The current general word for a worker or craftsman is jiàng 匠 (ant. shì 士 "freeman; scholar").

          2. Yōng 庸 (ant. jūn zǐ 君子 "gentleman") refers to any menial worker.

          3. Yì 役 (ant. zhǔ 主 "person in charge") refers specifically to a corvee labourer. See CORVEE LABOURER

          4. Táo 陶 "potter", páo 庖 "cook", yě 冶 "founder" are current specific terms.

          5. Zhū 侏 and rú 儒 are specific terms referring to the clowns or court entertainers. See CLOWN


          1. The general term for earthenware is wǎ 瓦.

          2. Tǔ 土 sometimes refers specifically to something that is of rough primitive earthenware.

          3. Táo 陶 refers to advanced pottery by the use of the potter's wheel.

          4. Cí 瓷 refers specifically to porcelain which existed from Han times but is first mentioned in the written sources in Nanbeichao times.