Taxonomy of meanings for 陪:  

  • 陪 péi (OC: bɯɯ MC: buoi) 薄回切 平 廣韻:【陪廁也 】
      • nsubjectaccompanying person behind one
      • vadNaccompanying; supporting [see péi chén 陪臣 "accompanying minister, humble minister]
      • vadVVERB as escort???
      • viactbe in accompanying attendance 陪其後
      • vtoNobject=superioraccompany and support [陪朕 "support me"]
      • vtoNobject=occasionbe in attendance at
      • vtoNdouble up> increase the territory of (a state)
    • NEAR
      • vadNadjacent, attached
      • HELP
        • COMPARE
          • RESPECT
            • REGIONS
              • = 賠
              • = 倍

              Additional information about 陪

              說文解字: 【陪】, 〔小徐本篆文作「【陪】」】,。〕 重土也。一曰:滿也。从𨸏、咅聲。 〔小徐本下有「一曰:陪臣,陪備也。」〕 【薄回切】

              • ACCOMPANY


                [GENERAL or SPECIALISED]




                1. The general word for accompanying someone of superior status is probably shì 侍 refers to polite attendance upon a master or leader, typically while in residence, but occasionally also on journeys. See SERVE.

                [ASCENDING], [STATIONARY]

                2. Péi 陪 typically refers to accompanying someone who is moving, and it adds to the literal meaning of accompaniment of a superior that of general support.

                [ASCENDING], [MOVING]

                3. Jù 俱 and xié 偕 refer to a symmetric relation of togetherness rather than the transitive action of accompaniment of a superior. See TOGETHER.

                [GENERAL], [NON-HIERARCHICAL]

                4. Yǔ 與 adds to the notion of accompaniment that of tactical association, the siding with someone, and occasionally the latter nuance is stronger than the meaning "to accompany" so that the word comes to mean purely "to side with".


                5. Ba4n 伴 is to keep company as a friend.

                6. Co2ng 從 is to keep company as a follower.

                7. So4ng 送 is to keep company with someone who is leaving.