Taxonomy of meanings for 輝:  

  • 輝 huī (OC: qhul MC: hʷɨi) 許歸切 平 廣韻:【同煇 】
    • DRAGON
      • none-legged drum dragon; 7.6
    • LIGHT
      • nabprocessbrightness, the glare of the sun itself
      • vtoNshine on intensly, dazzle
    • SHINE
      • REGIONS

        Additional information about 輝


        • LIGHT

          1. The dominant general word for light of any kind is guāng 光.

          [GENERAL]; [[COMMON]]

          2. Huǒ 火 refers primarily to artificial light from burning lamps etc..


          3. Xī 曦 refers to the nascent sunlight of the rising sun.

          4. Yào 耀 and huī 輝 refer to bright sunlight.