Taxonomy of meanings for 諒:  

  • 諒 liàng (OC: ɡ-raŋs MC: liɐŋ) 力讓切 去 廣韻:【信也相也佐也又姓後漢有諒輔 】
      • visincere
      • nabpsychgood faith, fidelity ZHUANG: 始乎諒
      • v[adN]the trustworthy LY
      • vibe in good faith; be faithful; be blindly faithful
      • vtoNto trust
      • vtoNforgive
      • vistubborn
      • REALLY
        • THINK
          • SURNAMES

            Additional information about 諒

            說文解字: 【諒】,信也。从言、京聲。 【力讓切】

            • EARNEST

              1. The current standard word for earnestness in attitude and earnest effort in practice is chéng 誠 (ant.* màn 慢 "negligent").

              2. Dǔ 篤 refers to trusty earnestness under the special aspect of dependability.

              3. Liàng 諒 refers to sincerity of attitude as a moral virtue.

              4. Zhōng 衷 refers to earnestness as an inner attitude under the aspect of emotional genuineness, a moral earnestness which will move Heaven.

            • FAITHFUL

              1. The current general word for trustiness or good faith is xìn 信.

              2. Chéng 誠 adds to the notion of good faith that of earnestness of effort on behalf of those one is faithful to.

              3. Zhōng 忠 refers to a selfless effort on behalf of the person to whom one takes oneself to owe loyalty, and this person may be either a ruler or a friend.

              4. Zhēn 貞 refers to sturdy moral reliability based on inner conviction.

              5. Shí 實 is occasionally used to refer to reliability of a person's actual performance of duties, particularly to a person's reliability in relation to promises made.

              6. Què 愨 is a rare archaic word referring to trustiness and stolid loyalty as a psychological quality.

              7. Liàng 諒 refers to trustworthiness and fidelity in a more popular mode, sometimes (LY) even with negative overtones of blind faith.