Taxonomy of meanings for 蕪:  

  • 蕪 wú (OC: ma MC: mio) 武夫切 平 廣韻:【荒蕪 】
    • vinot bear fruit, be overgrown only with weeds MENG 荒蕪

Additional information about 蕪

說文解字: 【蕪】,薉也。从艸、無聲。 【武扶切】



    1. The standard word is huāng 荒 (ant. féi 肥 "rich, fertile" and wò 沃 "fertile") which refers to any barren or uncultivated piece of land.


    2. Wú 蕪 (ant. fān 蕃 "rich in agricultural vegetation") refers specifically to land overgrown with weads and thus unable to yield agricultural produce.


    3. Què 埆 refers to barren soil basically unsuitable for cultivation.


    4. Qiāo 墝 refers to stony barren territory unsuitable for cultivation.


    5. Cǎo lái 草萊 refers to barren grasslands unsuitable for cultivation.

    [POETIC]; [[RARE]]

    6. Bù máo 不毛 refers simply to the striking absence of all vegetation.