Taxonomy of meanings for 肩:
- 肩 jiān (OC: keen MC: ken) 古賢切 平 廣韻:【項下又任也克也作也媵也又姓出姓苑 】
Additional information about 肩
說文解字: 【𦚌(𦙪)】,髆也。从肉、象形。 【古賢切】 【肩】,俗𦙪从戶。 〔小徐本「𦙪」作「肩」。〕
- Criteria
1. The standard word for the shoulder is jiān 肩.
NB: Bàng 膀 and jiǎ 胛 are post-Han words for the shoulder.
1. Bì 臂 refers to the general word for the arm.
2. Shǒu 手 refers to the arm including, particularly, the hand.
3. Gōng 肱 refers to the arms as a source of physical strength of a person, and the term refers specifically to the bent arm.
4. Wàn 腕 refers specifically to the joint between arm and hand, the wrist. See HAND
5. Zhǒu 肘 refers specifically to the elbows. See ELBOW
6. Yè 腋 refers specifically to the armpits. See ARMPIT
7. Jiān 肩 refers specifically to the shoulders. See SHOULDER