Taxonomy of meanings for 續:  

  • 續 xù (OC: sɢloɡ MC: ziok) 似足切 入 廣韻:【繼也連也又姓舜七友有續牙似足切四 】
      • vadNcontinuing
      • vadVin continuation, continuing the line
      • vt+prep+NN=humcontinue the traditon of
      • vt+V[0]continue to V
      • vtoNprolong; make physically longer; continue 夜以續日 HF: 以長續短;
      • vtoNN=actcontinue in (a job or position); go on from something to something else 相續 "take over from one another"
      • vtt(oN1.) N2causativein literary composition: make the contextually determinate N1 continue on from N2CH
      • nabactcontinuation, way of continuationLZ
    • ADD
      • TIE TO
        • TRANSMIT
          • DESCENDANT
            • MARRY
              • VEHICLE PARTS
                • SURNAMES
                • 續 xù (OC: snʰiin MC: pʰʷiɐt) 辭屢切 去 廣韻:【 】
                • HELP
                  • vtoNcompensate for shortcomings of, helpCH
                • STRETCH OUT
                  • vtoNmake longerCH

                Additional information about 續


                • CONTINUE

                  1. The most current general word for continuing to do something and also for continuing a tradition is jì 繼 (ant. jué 絕 "disrupt a tradition") which concentrates on the original thing that is being continued or made longer.

                  2. Xù 續 (ant. duàn 斷 "interrupt a tradition") focusses on what is being added in the lengthening process, and the dominant meaning of the word is spatial lengthening.

                  3. Zhuǎn 轉 is refers to continuation by alternation of the agent and is translatable as "continuing in turn".

                  4. Chéng 承 refers to the continuation of an abstract tradition.

                  5. Yè 業 refers primarily to the continuation of the trade or tradition of one's own forebears.

                  6. Réng 仍 focusses on the uninterrupted and continuous pursuance of an activity over a continuing period.

                  7. Sì 嗣, which came to mean "succeed as an heir", was used in early texts to refer to the continuation of any tradition or practice.

                  8. Yán 延 is current in the meaning "continue" in OBI.

                  Word relations
                • Ant: (CONTINUE)斷/BREAK OFF Duàn 斷 emphasises to the decisive resultative aspect of the breaking off, typically also cutting off, and the word tended to be metaphorical in early texts, increasingly taking on its concrete meaning at later stages. See CUT.