Taxonomy of meanings for 統:  

  • 統 tǒng (OC: thuuŋs MC: tʰuoŋ) 他綜切 去 廣韻:【揔也紀也又姓他綜切二 】
      • nabmetaphysicalgenus (versus 類 "species")
    • GOVERN
      • vtoNgovern harmoniously; sort out coherently
      • vtoNpassivebe governed/controlled and harmonised
      • nabsocialharmonious government system, comprehensive government system
    • RULE
      • nabmetaphysicalXUN: guideline; generic rule
      • vtoNattitudinalto take N as the basic guidelineLZ
      • nabsocialtradition
    • UNITE
      • viactachieve unison
      • vtpost-.VtoN與x統 form a unison with
      • vtoNcomprehend all of
    • THREAD
        • SUMMARISE
            • PERIOD
              • LAYER
                • PIERCE
                  • LEAK
                    • ALL
                      • = 筒
                    • tǒngCONTROL
                      • nabgeneral controlCH

                    Additional information about 統

                    說文解字: 【統】,紀也。从糸、充聲。 【他綜切】

                    • UNITE

                      1. The standard word for the unification of what is disunited is yī 一 (ant. fēn 分 "divide").

                      2. Kuāng 匡 (ant. sàn 散 "spread and disunite") is an elevated expression referring to political unification.

                      3. Tǒng 統 (ant. zhī 支 "divide into smaller units") focusses on the inner coherence of what is united.

                    • TRANSMIT

                      1. The current general word for handing down something traditional is chuán 傳.

                      2. Shù 述 (ant. zuò 作 "create") is to pass on something created by someone else.

                      3. Chuí 垂 refers to the intentional continuation of a tradition, the causing that tradition not to be disrupted.

                      NB: Dì 遞 gained currency in the meaning "pass on to later generations" in post-Han times.

                      The nominal concept of a tradition as what is transmitted is not prominent in Chinese. The combination 傳統 does come in Hou Han Shu, but it is used verbally there, and the nominal use of the combination to refer to a tradition in the modern sense dates from the twentieth century, if we may believe HYDCD.

                      Word relations
                    • Contrast: (GOVERN)理/GOVERN Wéi 為, yǒu 有, yòng 用, lín 臨, lì 蒞, lǐ 理 are polite ways of referring to the government by a legitimate ruler.