Taxonomy of meanings for 授:  

  • 授 shòu (OC: djus MC: dʑiu) 承咒切 去 廣韻:【付也又姓出何氏姓苑承呪切六 】
    • GIVE
      • vttoN1.+N2hand over (something N2) to (someone N1); confer (something N2) upon (someone N1)
      • vt(oN)make presents, confer something on others
      • vihand something over
      • vttoN1+.vtoN2transfer (something N2) to (someone N1) 授之以政
      • vtt(oN1.)+N2hand over/give the contextually determinate thing N1 to N2
      • vtt(oN1.)-vtoN2give N2 to contextually determinate recipients N1
      • vttoN1.+N2figurativegive (an abstract object/task etc)
      • vttoN1(.+N2)give N1 to the contextually determinate N2
      • to superior>HAND UP
        • vtoNfigurativegive up (one's life)
        • vtt[oN1]. N2hand up something to N2CH
      • what one has been given>GIVE BACK
        • knowledge>TEACH
          • duties>EMPLOY
              • permanent>APPOINT
                • vtoNappoint (as leader etc)
            • generalised>TRANSMIT
              • vtt(oN1.)+N2transmit the contextually determinate N1 to N2
              • vttoN1.+N2pass N1 on to N2
              • vttoN1(.+N2)hand over N1 to the contextually determinate N2
              • vttoN1[.+prep+N2]hand on, pass on N1 to others.
              • vtt(oN1.)+prep+N2N1=recipienttransmit to the contextually determinate person N1 the object N2DS
          • =受

          Additional information about 授

          說文解字: 【授】,予也。从手、从受,受亦聲。 〔小徐本作「從手、受聲。」〕 【殖酉切】

          • GIVE

            1. The most general word for to give is probably yǔ 與 (ant. qǔ 取 "take away from").

            2. Wèi 遺 and wěi 委 refer to any act of giving something to someone in permanence and for keeping.

            3. Cì 賜 can refer to an act of charity or to any giving of anything, typically from a person in authority to inferiors.

            4. Zèng 贈 refers to formal presents to an inferior from a person in high authority.

            5. Yí 貽 is an archaic colourless word for giving something away to someone of one's own volition, and the recipient may be of higher status than oneself.

            6. Zhì 致 is to hand over something or to pass something on to someone.

            7. Kuì 饋 typicall refers quite specifically to the conferring of a gift of food.

            8. Fù 賦 refers to giving something as reward or recompensation to somebody, typically to a person of lower status.

            9. Shòu 授 refers to the physical act of handing something over to a recipient.

          • APPOINT





            1. Bài 拜 (ant. biǎn 貶 "demote to a lower position in the hierarchy at court") refers formally and bureaucratically to a high appointment at court.

            [POLITE], [SPECIFIED]; [vtt!]

            2. Shì 仕 (ant. chù 黜 "remove from office") describes a position below the top echelon in pre-Qín times, but came to refer to the highest kinds of appointment in Hàn times.

            [FORMAL], [GENERAL]

            3. Huàn 宦 is rarer, refers originally to the position of a menial servant, but became basically synonymous with shì 仕, except that huàn 宦 normally refers to positions held at court.

            [SPECIFIC], [FORMAL]

            4. Wéi 為 "make into" is a neutral informal term which does not primarily refer to the formal investment or any transferring of the insignia of office.

            [GENERAL], [INFORMAL]

            5. Xiàng 相 is used in a derived sense for an appointment to a specific high position, that of Prime Minister.

            [FORMAL], [SPECIFIC+]

            6. Shǔ 署 is a Hàn dynasty technical buraucratic term.

            [FORMAL], [TECHNICAL-TERM]

            7. Mìng 命 refers specifically to the conferment of the title which goes with an official appointment.

            [FORMAL], [CURRENT-WORD]

            8. 委

            9. 授

            Word relations
          • Contrast: (GIVE)與 / 予/GIVE The most general word for to give is probably yǔ 與 (ant. qǔ 取 "take away from").