Taxonomy of meanings for 捐:  

  • 捐 juān (OC: ɢʷlen MC: jʷiɛn) 與專切 平 廣韻:【弃也 】
      • vtoNannihilate
      • vadNdiscarded
      • vtoN(justifiably) discard (things or persons); pour away (water); throw away
      • vtoNpassivebe (justifiably) discarded
      • vt(oN)discard the contextually determinate NCH
      • vtoNderiveddisregard as unimportantCH
      • vtoNcompletely disregard, not care a fig about, not give a damn about
    • LOSE
      • vtoNcausativecause to be lost> impair, diminish
    • REMOVE
      • vtoNremove
    • GIVE
      • TAX
        • REQUEST
          • SPEND
          • juānPAY
            • vtoNfigurative(from "pay taxes">) offer (one's life); pay with (one's person); sacrifice (one's person)CH

          Additional information about 捐

          說文解字: 【捐】,棄也。从手、肙聲。 【與專切】

          • DISCARD

            1. The standard general words for discarding something is qì 棄 (ant. qǔ 取 "choose to retain") and the somewhat rarer juān 捐.

            2. Qù 去 refers to the distancing oneself from something by rejecting it.

            3. Fèi 廢 and the rarer tì 替 (all ant. zhì 置 "establish"!!!! See also no. 4 below.) refer to discarding something one has made use of or has been involved with for some time.

            4. Shì 釋 (ant. liú 留 "keep in employment") and the rarer jiě 解 refer to rejecting the continued use of something.

            5. Wěi 委 and zhì 置 (ant.* zhí 執 "hold onto" or chí 持 "hold onto") refer to putting things aside. See DISREGARD

            6. Shě 捨 / 舍 (ant. qǔ 取 "pick out and choose") refers to letting go of or rejecting something that one might have chosen to retain or use.

            7. Què 卻 (ant. shòu 受 "accept for employment") typically refers to a rejection or discarding of something as useless.

          • LOSE

            1. The dominant general word for to lose is shī 失 (ant. dé 得 "get") which refers to any disappearance of something which belonged to one in any sense, but the emphasis tends to be on the loss being the result of a mistake rather than mere insouciance.

            2. Yí 遺 (ant. cún 存 "keep in one's possession) is to lose through inadvertency an object that one would like to have or to keep.

            3. Wà2ng 亡 (ant. yǒu 有 "have") refers to the the disappearance or loss of property, what one has control of or owns, not to the loss of e.g. parts of the body.

            4. Sàng 喪 (ant. dé 得 "get") is to lose something or someone dear to one or close to one, including objects of "inalienable possession", either momentarily for a time, or permanently.

            5. Juān 捐 is sometimes used to refer to seeing one's supply of something diminished or to have such a supply disappear.

            Word relations
          • Ant: (DAMAGE)悅 / 說/DELIGHT The general current word referring to the purely psychological notion of a transitory or temporary feeling of pleasure or delight is yuè 悅 (ant. yùn 慍 "feel intensely dissatisfied with, feel offended by").
          • Contrast: (DISCARD)絕/DISCARD
          • Assoc: (DISCARD)棄/DISCARD The standard general words for discarding something is qì 棄 (ant. qǔ 取 "choose to retain") and the somewhat rarer juān 捐.
          • Assoc: (DISCARD)棄/DISCARD The standard general words for discarding something is qì 棄 (ant. qǔ 取 "choose to retain") and the somewhat rarer juān 捐.