Taxonomy of meanings for 征:  

  • 征 zhēng (OC: tjeŋ MC: tɕiɛŋ) 諸盈切 平 廣韻:【同征 】
  • 征 zhēng (OC: tjeŋ MC: tɕiɛŋ) 諸盈切 平 廣韻:【行也諸盈切十三 】
    • TRAVEL
      • nabactjourney
      • viactCC, LISAO: go on a very far expedition
      • to launch a military campaign against> ATTACK
        • nabactpunitive attack; punitive campaign; military campaign
        • vadNon the punitive campaign
        • vt[oN]to set out for a righteous military campaign
        • vtoNlaunch a punitive military campaign against; chastise, go on a punitive expedition against
        • vtoNcontinuousbe engaged in a formal military campaign against the enemy
        • part of such a campaign> BATTLE
          • viactgo on a campaign
          • vtoNlead into battle
        • with the purpose of taking> SEEK
          • vtoNseek to obtain
          • by public authority> SUMMON
            • nabsummons
            • what is taken by public authority> TAX
              • nofficial charge, levy or tax (imposed at mountain passes or in markets)
              • vtoNlevy (tax)
              • vtoNpassivebe taxedLZ
              • viacttake taxes off people
              • vtoNN=placeraise taxes in a place N
              • vtoNobject=purposeraise taxes for
          • seek to take by violent means> ROB
      • =鉦

        Additional information about 征

        說文解字: 【𨒌】,正行也。从辵、正聲。 【諸盈切】 【征】,(𢌛)[𨒌]或从彳。 〔小徐本「𢌛」作「𨒌」。〕

        • TRAVEL

          1. The standard word for travelling for any purpose is xíng 行.

          2. Yóu 遊/游 refers specifically to travelling for pleasure.

          3. Zhēng 征 is an elevated term sometimes referring to a major travelling expedition.

        • ATTACK







          1. The general word for any attack is gōng 攻 (ant. shǒu 守 "defend"; success kè 克 ) which can be used in a general sense referring to all kinds of attack, although that word does also have the specific meaning of a pointed campaign against a certain locality. (Note 戰必勝,攻必克。 )


          2. Fá 伐 refers to a large-scale typically destructive formal attack by one state on another, typically formally announced, and with much beating of drums.


          3. Qīn 侵 refers to a less formal attack, typically unannounced beforehand, and typically aimed at taking the enemy's territory.


          4. Xí 襲 refers to a surreptitious attack, on the sly, without any self-righteous pomp.


          5. Zhēng 征 refers to a typically punitive campain of some size against a state, construed as being of lower status.


          6. Tǎo 討 refers to a an extended explicitly punitive campaign by someone who construes himself as being in moral authority and entitled to uphold rectitude and morality through warfare. (Also figurative as in 天討有罪 "Heaven punishes those who are guilty". See PUNISH)


          7. Wéi 圍 refers specifically to military attack by surrouding the enemy.


          8. Kòu 寇 refers derogatorily to a wanton enemy attack.


        • BATTLE







          1. The general term is zhàn 戰 (ant. hé 和 "ceasing of hostilities, ceasefire") and refers to any military engagement at a given time.

          [GENERAL], [TEMPORARY]

          2. An extended official and centrally organised campaign lasting some time and viewed as a task for the military is yì 役.

          [PROCESS], [LASTING]

          3. Zhēng 征 refers to an official military campaign as conducted by a state. See ATTACK


          4. Chén 陳 refers to the the forming of a battle array. See BATTLE ARRAY


          5. Jūn 軍 can come to refer generally to military action or military campaigns of any kind.

          [ACTION], [MARGINAL]; [[RARE]]

          Word relations
        • Assoc: (ATTACK)伐/ATTACK Fá 伐 refers to a large-scale typically destructive formal attack by one state on another, typically formally announced, and with much beating of drums. [DESCENDING], [MILITARY], [LARGE-SCALE!], [OVERT]
        • Synon: (ATTACK)伐/ATTACK Fá 伐 refers to a large-scale typically destructive formal attack by one state on another, typically formally announced, and with much beating of drums. [DESCENDING], [MILITARY], [LARGE-SCALE!], [OVERT]