Taxonomy of meanings for 奮:  

  • 奮 fèn (OC: pɯns MC: piun) 方問切 去 廣韻:【揚也鳥張毛羽奮奞也又姓左傳楚有司馬奮揚 】
    • FIGHT
      • nabactfighting; conflict
      • vibe full of energetic fighting spirit
      • viactfight desperately, struggle fiercely
    • FLY
      • viactspread wings and fly up
      • vtoNspread, flap (the wings)
    • MOVE
      • USE
        • vtoNdeploy vigorously
    • fènBOAST
      • vt+prep+Nbrag, boast about; proudly displayTWH
      • vtoNproudly displayCH
    • fènSHAKE
      • vtoNmove quickly (one's ears, as of cows); shake
    • fènSTIMULATE
      • vichangebecome aroused, agitatedLZ
    • fènSTRONG
      • vadNenergetic and powerfulCH
      • vibe in powerfully good shapeCH
    • lǔ gōng gōngRULERS OF LU
      • NPprStandard Name: Duke Gōng of Lǔ 魯共公 (Reigned 376-353)Personal Name: Fèn 奮 Unger no. 375

    Additional information about 奮

    說文解字: 【奮】,翬也。从奞在田上。《詩》曰:不能奮飛。 【方問切】

    • FIGHT

      1. The current general word for any form of conflict or competition is zhēng 爭 (ant. ràng 讓 "give polite precedence to"). However, the word specifically focusses on competition rather than physical violence.

      2. Dòu 鬥, ōu 毆 and the rarer bó 搏 (ant. què 卻 "withdraw from conflict") refer to physical interpersonal violence and struggle.

      3. Jìng 競 (ant. tuì 退 "withdraw from conflict") refers to intense competiton.

      4. Shì fēi 是非 refers to a primarily non-physical verbal conflict, but in extended usage it can refer to any political dissension or conflict.

      5. Fèn 奮 refers to a fierce physical strugge, often for a higher aim.

      6. Zhàn 戰 (ant. hé 和 "make peace; hold the peace") normally refers to armed conflict (see BATTLE) but the word can occasionally refer to an inner struggle in one's chest: zwei Seelen wohnen, ach, in meiner Brust.

      NB: Dāng 當 can refer to facing an opponent in battle, and the word is marginal in this group.

      Word relations
    • Object: ()鐸/BELL Duó 鐸 refers to a bell with a tongue which is similar to líng 鈴 but larger.