Taxonomy of meanings for 囚:  

  • 囚 qiú (OC: lju MC: ziu) 似由切 平 廣韻:【拘也繫也似由切六 】
    • ARREST
      • vtoNpassivebe arrested and detained in prison; become a prisoner
      • vtoNperfectiveimprison, incarcerate; iussive: have (someone) imprisoned/incarcerated 魯囚之
      • vtoNcontinuouskeep in prison
      • vtoNmiddle voicebe held prisoner
      • vttoN1.+prep+N2imprison N1 in N2DS
      • nprisoner
      • viacttake on the posture of a prisoner
      • vtoNattitudinaltreat as a prisoner
      • CRIMINAL
        • LITIGATE
          • LIMIT

            Additional information about 囚

            說文解字: 【囚】,繫也。从人在囗中。 〔小徐本「從囗,人在囗中。」〕 【似由切】

            • PRISON VEHICLE

              1. The current general word for a prison cart is qiú chē 囚車.

              2. Jiàn 轞 / 檻 is the rare but specific word to use.

              3. Xiá 柙 refers to the cage in which the prisoner was placed for transport, the cage being placed, in turn, on a cart.

            • ARREST







              1. The current general word for arresting someone or apprehending him for any reason whatever is zhí 執 (ant. shì 釋 "set free"), but this term typically has a rather bureaucratic flavour.

              [CIVIL], [OFFICIAL]

              2. Qín 擒 (ant zòng 縱 "let loose") refers in somewhat dramatic terms to managing to apprehend a person who might be trying to escape, often to taking a distinguished prisoner in military contexts.


              3. Bǔ 捕 refers specifically to catching a criminal, sometimes to the catching of a common criminal. See also CATCH.

              [CIVIL], [OFFICIAL]

              4. Huò 獲 typically refers to managing to capture a person who is trying to escape or who is difficult to catch.

              [DIFFICULT], [DRAMATIC]

              5. Fú 俘 and lǔ 虜 refer bureaucratically and neutrally to taking prisoners of war.

              [LASTING], [MILITARY]

              6. Qiú 囚 (ant. shì 釋 "set free") refers specifically to detaining and imprisoning a person in a public prison.

              [LASTING], [OFFICIAL], [SPECIFIC]

              7. Jū 拘 is occasionally used as a bureaucratic term for holding someone legal detention.

              [CIVIL], [LASTING], [OFFICIAL]

              8. Dài 逮 refers specifically to the official apprehending or arresting of a presumed culprit.

              [CIVIL], [OFFICIAL]

            • PRISONER

              1. The general term for a prisoner is qiú 囚, and this can refer to any person confined in a prison for any reason.

              2. Lǔ 虜 and fú 俘 refer to a prisoner of war who has been captured in battle.

              3. Tú 徒 is a prisoner who is not currently being detained in a prison, either because he is being transferred from one prison to another or because he has been released but is still regarded as a "former prisoner".