Taxonomy of meanings for 丘:  

  • 丘 qiū (OC: khɯ MC: kʰiu) 去鳩切 平 廣韻:【聚也空也大也又丘陵爾雅非人爲之曰丘郭璞云地自然生説文作丠亦姓岀吴興河南二望風俗通曰魯左丘明之後又云齊太公封於營丘支孫以地爲氏代居扶風漢末丘俊持節江淮屬王莽篡位遂留江左居吴興也又漢複姓四十四氏左傳齊有藉丘子鉏梁丘據閭丘嬰莒有著丘公渠丘公後並因邑爲氏晉有虞丘書爲乗馬御祖氏家記有太中大夫東安於丘淵史記有狐丘子林楚有苞丘先生齊桓公至麥丘麥丘人年八十三祝桓公封於麥丘其後氏焉孟子齊有曼丘不擇又有咸丘蒙隱居列仙傳有浮丘公梁州刺史莊丘黒魯莊公庶子食采於瑕丘其後氏焉齊有勇士葘丘訴神仙傳漢有稷丘子又有廪丘充隱居齊魯之間楚有列威將軍何丘寄楚文王庶子食采於軒丘其後爲氏周宣王支庶食采於謝丘其後爲氏漢有趙人吾丘壽王又有曹丘先生侍御史余丘炳鉅鹿太守莊丘勝以勇力聞安丘望之注老子列仙傳有髙邑人商丘子胥藝文志有桑丘公漢有吴人龍丘萇隱居不屈濟北蛇丘惑爲河内太守魏有幽豫二州刺史母丘儉吴有平原陶丘洪晉有雍丘洛以武力聞何氏姓苑云漢有司𨽻校尉水丘岑古有蔡丘欣喪馬淮陽東海北丘氏又有羌丘常丘崎丘獻丘陽丘逢丘厚丘泥丘等氏又虜複姓二氏後魏獻帝次弟丘敦氏後改爲丘氏丘林氏後改爲林氏去鳩切六 】
    • MOUND
      • nnon-rocky mountain smaller than fù 阜
      • specifically> TOMB
        • ndialect: burial mound, often that of an emperor
        • specifically> RUINS
          • nmounds of rubble, ruins 夏之為丘"that Xià is in ruins".
      • surrounded by raised paths> TERRITORY
        • nMENG, ZHOULI: unit of four settlements 九夫為井,四井為邑,四邑為丘
    • dictionary only> EMPTY
      • =?> SENIOR
        • CONFUCIANS
          • MALES OF QI
          • 丘 qiū (OC: khɯ MC: kʰiu) 去鳩切 平 廣韻:【古文丘 】
          • qiūBIG
            • nadNmetaphoricallike a hill > bigDS

          Additional information about 丘


          • MOUNTAIN

            1. The general term for a mountain of any kind, large or small, is shān 山.

            2. Yuè 岳/嶽 refers is a positive way to one of the great mountains of China, and the word typically functions as the head word in a noun phrase, as in 五岳. (Note that obviously in proper names and designations of titles (e.g. the title sì yuè 四岳 ) the two characters are not interchangeable.)

            3. Fù 阜 refers to a large non-rocky mountain with an elevated plain on top.

            4. Ā 阿 refers to a very large non-rocky mountan with an elevated plain on top.

            5. Qiū 丘 refers to a small non-rocky earth mound.

            6. Yuán 原 can refer to the highlands and is marginal in this group.

            7. Lǐng 嶺, later sometimes written 領, is not a post-Han word, as many dictionaries might lead one to suppose, but the word is very rare in pre-Han times. The word refers to mountains as forming a series, often connoting a road along the ridge.

          • RUINS

            1. The current standard word for ruins is xū 墟 / 虛.

            2. Qiū 丘 "mound" is sometimes used periphrastically to refer to ruins.

          • MONK

            1. Sēngjiā 僧加 is the general term referring indifferently to monks of any religion.

            2. The general Buddhist word for a monk is sēng 僧, and this word can occasionally refer abstractly to monkhood both of monks and nuns.

            3. Héshàng 和尚 is a term of respect which is typically also used as a respectful second person pronoun.

            4. Bǐqiū 比丘 is a loan-word from the Sanskrit, and must count as a technical term for a mendicant monk.

          • TOMB

            1. The current general old word for a tomb of any kind with or without planted trees or a mound is mù 墓, and the term comes to refer specifically to the subterranean part of the tomb.

            2. Fén 墳 refers to the visible part of the tomb in the shape of a sizeable tumulus typically planted with trees.

            3. Qiū 丘 "tumulus" is an old way of referring to a tomb with special reference to its appearance above ground, and the suggestion is that it is of considerable size suitable for leading personalities.

            4. Lǒng 壟 refers to a tomb with special reference to its appearance above ground as an imposing tumulus, but the reference is not normally to a ruler's tomb.

            5. Zhǒng 冢 was occasionally used in Warring States times but became more current in Han times, and the word refers to an impressive tomb as a whole, including its subterraneous and its visible parts.

            6. Yíng 塋 refers generally to the piece of land with the tomb on it.

            7. Líng 陵 refers specifically to an imperial tomb compound with high tombs, surrounding parks, and surrounding tombs for close relatives, queen, brothers, and sisters.

            8. Shān 山 can come to refer to an imperial tomb.

            9. Xuè 穴 "cave" is occasionally used to refer to the underground part of a tomb.

            Word relations
          • Assoc: (MOUND)山/MOUNTAIN The general term for a mountain of any kind, large or small, is shān 山.
          • Assoc: (MOUND)陵/MOUNTAIN
          • Oppos: (MOUND)垤/HEAP Dié 垤 refers specifically to an anthill, and then more generally to any small heap of earth.