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    Attributions by syntactic funtion

    • NPpr : 7

    Attributions by text

    • 韓非子 : 5
    • 呂氏春秋 : 2


    易牙  yì yá OC: leeɡs ŋɡraa MC: jiɛ ŋɣɛ
    狄牙  dí yá OC: deeɡ ŋɡraa MC: dek ŋɣɛ
      wū OC: ma MC: mi̯o 2 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Yì Yá 易牙 (Floruit ca. 685-643)Alternative Name: Dí Yá 狄牙 Personal Name: Wū 巫 Unger no. 251
    田恆  tián héng OC: ɡ-liiŋ ɡɯɯŋ MC: den ɦəŋ
    田常  tián cháng OC: ɡ-liiŋ djaŋ MC: den dʑi̯ɐŋ 2 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 744
    豎刁  shù diāo OC: djoʔ k-leew MC: dʑi̯o teu 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprman of Qí who castrated himself in order to become a eunuch and favourite to Duke Huán of Qí 齊桓公. After the Duke's death he connived with Yìyá 易牙and others to create political chaos in Qí.
    東郭牙  dōng guō yá MC: tuwng kwak ngae OC: tooŋ kʷaaɡ ŋɡraaCH 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprDōngguō Yá 東郭牙 (seventh cent.) was a contemporary of >Duke Huan of Qi 齊桓公. He is described as an aide and an able remonstrator in HF 33. He is listed together with >Xi Peng 隰朋, >Xian Ning 弦甯, >Ning Ji 甯疾, >Prince Cheng-fu 王子成甫, and the famous >Guan Zhong 管仲 (d. 643) as an able political adviser. [GUAN 56 and 20.11; SY 1.17; HSWZ 4.5; XINXU 4] [HF 33.12; 33.28] CH
    公孫弘  gōng sūn hóng MC: kuwng swon hwong OC: klooŋ squun ɡʷɯɯŋCH 1 AttributionWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprGōngsūn Hóng 公孫弘 [fl. ca. 300] from Wei 魏 is said to be a man from Qi 齊 in the commentary to ZGC Qi 4.2. He is quoted extensively in conversation with >Lord Mengchang 孟嘗君 (d. 279) also in LSCQ 12.5. He must not be confused with the famous Han dynasty politician of the same name. [LSCQ 12.3; ZGC Qi 4.1] HF 23CH
    杞梁  qǐ liáng OC: khɯʔ k-raŋ MC: khɨ li̯ɐŋ
      zhí OC: djɯɡ MC: dʑɨk 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Qǐ Liáng 杞梁 (Floruit ca. 550)Personal Name: Zhí 殖 Unger no. 309
    匡章  kuāng zhāng OC: khʷaŋ kjaŋ MC: khi̯ɐŋ tɕi̯ɐŋ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Kuāng Zhāng 匡章 (Floruit ca. 350) Unger no. 369
    召忽  shào hū OC: ɡ-lews hmɯɯd MC: dʑiɛu huot 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 547
    國佐  guó zuǒ OC: kʷɯɯɡ skaals MC: kək tsɑ
    武子  wǔ zǐ OC: mbaʔ sklɯʔ MC: mi̯o tsɨ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Guó Zuǒ/Zuò 國佐 (Died -573)Canonical Name: Wǔ Zǐ 武子 Unger no. 441
    國書  guó shū OC: kʷɯɯɡ qhlja MC: kək ɕi̯ɤ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Guó Shū 國書 (Floruit -484)Unger no. 440
    梁丘據  liáng qiū jù OC: k-raŋ khɯ klas MC: li̯ɐŋ khɨu ki̯ɤ
    子猶  zǐ yóu OC: sklɯʔ k-lu MC: tsɨ jɨu 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Liáng Qiū Jù 梁丘據 (Floruit 522 BC)Personal Name: Zǐ Yóu 子猶 Unger no. 463
    孔虺  kǒng huī OC: khooŋʔ qhruul MC: khuŋ hɣɛi 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Kǒng Huī 孔虺 (Floruit ca. 542) Unger no. 425
    宴萊  yàn lái OC: qeens rɯɯ MC: ʔen ləi 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 925
    崔夭  cuī yāo OC: skhluul qrowʔ MC: tshuo̝i ʔiɛu 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 839
    崔成  cuī chéng OC: skhluul djeŋ MC: tshuo̝i dʑiɛŋ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 837
    閭丘嬰  lǘ qiū yīng OC: ɡ-ra khɯ qeŋ MC: li̯ɤ khɨu ʔiɛŋ
    崔杼  cuī shù OC: skhluul ɢljaʔ MC: tshuo̝i ʑi̯ɤ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprCuī Zhù 崔杼 (d. 546) (according to the Jingdianshiwen entry to ZUO Xuan 10 the name should be read Cui Zhu) was a dignitary in Qi, descendent of Duke Ding of Qi 齊丁公. His feof was the city of Cui 崔, hence the name. He won favour with Duke Hui of Qi 齊惠公 (r. 608-599), but after the latter’s death he fled together with a group of other proteges of Duke Hui to the state Wey 衛. Under Duke Ling of Qi 齊靈公 (r. 581-554) he became a dignitary in the state of Qi again and joined a military campaign against Zheng and Qin. Even under Duke Ling’s successor >Duke Zhuang of Qi 齊莊公 (r. 553-548) Cui Zhu continued to gain military merits. On a condolence visit representing his new ruler, Duke Zhuang, he fell in love with the beautiful Tang Jiang 棠姜 and married her. Duke Zhuang fell for the beauty, too and took her in as his own wife. Understandably enraged, Cui Zhu murdered Duke Zhuang and established Duke Jing of Qi 齊景公 (r. 547 - 490) on the throne, taking for himself the position of the prime minister. ZUO Xiang 25 reports: “The grand historian wrote in his records: "Cui Zhu assassinated his ruler." Cui Zhu had him killed. The historian's younger brother succeeded to the post and wrote the same thing. He too was killed, as was another brother.When a fourth brother came forward to write, Cui Zhu finally desisted.” … Two years after this, in 546, >Qing Feng 慶封, siding with the side of the deceased Duke Zhuang, exterminated Cui Zhu’s whole clan and forced Cui Zhu himself to commit suicide. [ZUO Xiang 25 and 27 have detailed elaborated narratives on Cui Zhu.] [Fang Zhaohui 2002: 487-499] Unger no. 838
    慶克  qìng kè OC: khraŋs khɯɯɡ MC: khɣaŋ khək 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Qìng Kè 慶克 (Ca. 645-574)Unger no. 343
    高傒  gāo xī OC: koow ɡee MC: kɑu ɦei
    敬仲  jìng zhòng OC: kreŋs ɡrluŋs MC: kɣaŋ ɖuŋ
    敬子  jìng zǐ OC: kreŋs sklɯʔ MC: kɣaŋ tsɨ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprGāo Xì 高傒 (early 7th cent.) is recorded as a famous aristocrat in Qi and a contemporary of Duke Huan of Qi 齊桓公 whom he served as a minister. His activities are recorded between the years 685 and 660. When in 685 >Bao Shuya 鮑叔牙 recommends >Guan Zhong 管仲 (d. 643) over and above Gaoxi as a prime minister [Zuo Zhuang 9] this demonstrates Bao Shuya’s emphasis on political potential over family pedigree. In 672 Gao Xi represents the state of Qi in the covenant with Lu 魯 mentioned in CQ Zhuang 22, and similarly as late as 660 [CQ Min 2 and GULIANG Min 2] where Gao Xi is referred to as Gaozi 高子, a nomenclature which may suggest his aristocratic status.  There is no record of Gao Xi’s death in the literature. Canonical Names: Jìng Zhòng 敬仲 or Jìng Zǐ 敬子 Unger no. 278
    陳無宇  chén wú yǔ OC: ɡrliŋ ma ɢʷraʔ MC: ɖin mi̯o ɦi̯o
    田無宇  tián wú yǔ OC: ɡ-liiŋ ma ɢʷraʔ MC: den mi̯o ɦi̯o
    桓子  huán zǐ OC: ɢoon sklɯʔ MC: ɦʷɑn tsɨ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Chén Wú Yǔ. Unger no. 73 (Floruit 539-527)Also known as Tián Wú Yǔ 田無宇 Canonical Name: Huán Zǐ 桓子
    田單  tián dān OC: ɡ-liiŋ taan MC: den tɑn 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprNPpr
    田嬰  tián yīng OC: ɡ-liiŋ qeŋ MC: den ʔiɛŋ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 755
    田文  tián wén OC: ɡ-liiŋ mɯn MC: den mi̯un 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 754
    田贊  tián zàn OC: ɡ-liiŋ tsaans MC: den tsɑn 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    田開  tián kāi OC: ɡ-liiŋ khɯɯl MC: den khəi 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 746
    管穆  guǎn mù OC: koonʔ muɡ MC: kʷɑn muk 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Guǎn Mù 管穆 Unger no. 366 ????
    艾孔  ài kǒng OC: ŋaads khooŋʔ MC: ŋɑi khuŋ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 21
    荊軻  jīng kē OC: kreŋ khlaal MC: kɣaŋ khɑ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Jīng Kē 荊軻 (Died 227)Unger no. 335
    陳翠  chén cuì OC: ɡrliŋ skhuds MC: ɖin tshi 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 71 (Ca. 3rd century)
    陳馳  chén chí OC: ɡrliŋ rlal MC: ɖin ɖiɛ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Chén Chí. Unger no. 65; (died 221 BC)
    高固  gāo gù OC: koow kaas MC: kɑu kuo̝ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Gāo Gù 高固 (Floruit 604-589) Unger no. 280
    黔婁  qián lóu OC: ɡram ɡ-roo MC: giɛm lu 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Qián Lóu 黔婁 Unger no. 330 ????
    北郭騷  běi guō sāo OC: pɯɯɡ kʷaaɡ suu MC: pək kɑk sɑu 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 558
    古冶子  gǔ yě zǐ OC: kaaʔ laʔ sklɯʔ MC: kuo̝ jɣɛ tsɨ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Gǔ Yě Zǐ 古冶子 (Floruit ca. 547-490)Unger no. 352
    國歸父  guó guī fǔ OC: kʷɯɯɡ klul paʔ MC: kək kɨi pi̯o 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Guó Guī Fǔ 國歸父 (Floruit ca. 632-627)Unger no. 436
    安期生  ān qī shēng OC: qaan ɡɯ sraaŋ MC: ʔɑn gɨ ʂɣaŋ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 23 ????
    淳于髡  chún yú kūn OC: djun ɢʷra khluun MC: dʑʷin ɦi̯o khuo̝n 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Chún Yú Kūn 淳于髡 (Floruit ca. 385-305 B.C.) Unger no. 125
    申鮮虞  shēn xiān yú OC: lʰin sen ŋʷa MC: ɕin siɛn ŋi̯o 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 667
    管至父  guǎn zhì fǔ OC: koonʔ kljiɡs paʔ MC: kʷɑn tɕi pi̯o 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Guǎn Zhì Fǔ 管至父 (Floruit 686) Unger no. 362
    縣子石  xiàn zǐ shí OC: ɢʷeens sklɯʔ djaɡ MC: ɦen tsɨ dʑiɛk
    縣子碩  xiàn zǐ shuò OC: ɢʷeens sklɯʔ djaɡ MC: ɦen tsɨ dʑiɛk 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Xiàn Zǐ Shí 縣子石 Also known as Xiàn Zǐ Shuò/Shí 縣子碩 Unger no. 195 ????
    雍林人  yōng lín rén OC: qoŋ ɡ-rɯm njin MC: ʔi̯oŋ lim ȵin 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 974
    高無丕  gāo wú pī OC: koow ma phrɯ MC: kɑu mi̯o phi 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Gāo Wú Pī 高無丕 (Floruit ca. 484-480) Unger no. 285
    高無咎  gāo wú jiù OC: koow ma ɡlɯwʔ MC: kɑu mi̯o gɨu 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprStandard Name: Gāo Wú Jiù 高無咎 (Floruit ca. 576-574) Unger no. 284
    鮑叔牙  bào shū yá OC: bruuʔ qhljɯwɡ ŋɡraa MC: bɣɛu ɕuk ŋɣɛ 0 AttributionsWD
      Syntactic words
    • NPprUnger no. 545

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