The EVENT that something BEGINS to EXIST.
          • BE INRELATION between a THING AND what that THING FILLS OR PART:partially FILLS....
    See also
        • COINCIDENCE HAPPEN NOT BEING EXPECTED FOR WHICH ONE HAS NO EXPLANATION.[[NB incidentally: The Epicurean aleatoric view of natural history.]]
      Old Chinese Criteria



      1. The most current general word for something arising is probably qǐ 起 (ant. zhǐ 止 "cease to exist").


      2. Méng 萌 is inchoative and refers to the initial stage of arising.


      3. Shēng 生 (ant. miè 滅 "be extinguished (as dinosaurs)") refers to the coming into existence of something which did not previously exist.


      4. Xīng 興 (ant. xí 息 "cease to be virulent") and fā 發 refer to something moving from an "incubatory" state to a state of manifest "virulence" and full development.


      5. Chū 出 (NB: rù 入 cannot be used as an antonym for this meaning.) refers to something that pre-exists emerging or moving from an initial state of hiddenness or non-obviousness to a state of manifest visibility (in analogy with the basic meaning of the word "to come out").


      6. Zuò 作 (ant.* xiē 歇 "cease to exist, cease to be active, cease to happen") typically refers to something happening or arising for the first time, but the word can also refer to the emergence of persons like sages.


      NB: This group needs to be viewed together with BEGIN, and the line between the two is by no means always clear.

      Modern Chinese Criteria




      first rough draft to identify synonym group members for future analysis, based on CL. 18.11.2003. CH/

      Old Chinese Contrasts
      1. Some verbs are inchoative (méng 萌 "begin to arise", qǐ 起 ) others are perfective (chū 出, shēng 生 "come into existence", zuò 作, xīng 興 ).

      2. Some verbs describe the emergence or origination of something for the first time (chū 出, méng 萌, shēng 生 ), others describe indifferently the emergence or re-emergence of something (qǐ 起, zuò 作, xīng 興 ).

      3. Some verbs refer to the emergence of a concrete event or type of event (qǐ 起, zuò 作, zhì 至, xīng 興, shī 失 ), others refer to the coming into existence of anything abstract or concrete (chū 出, shēng 生 ).

      4. Some verbs only refer to the eruption of a process (fā 發 ), the others refer indifferently to processes, events, persons, or things. jiang

      Attributions by syntactic funtion

      • vi : 142
      • vt+prep+N : 41
      • vtoN : 23
      • vt0oN{SUBJ} : 8
      • VPi : 8
      • nab : 6
      • vtoN : 5
      • vtoV/Nab : 2
      • VPt+prep+N : 2
      • nab{PRED} : 1
      • vt+prep+NPab{S} : 1
      • nt : 1

      Attributions by text

      • 韓非子 : 49
      • 荀子 : 26
      • 說苑 : 24
      • 春秋左傳 : 16
      • 孟子 : 14
      • 淮南子 : 11
      • 墨子 : 9
      • 呂氏春秋 : 9
      • 阮籍集四卷 : 9
      • 論語 : 8
      • 管子 : 6
      • 賢愚經 : 6
      • 論衡 : 5
      • 百喻經 : 5
      • 祖堂集 : 5
      • 六祖壇經 : 5
      • 陸機集十一卷 : 3
      • 春秋穀梁傳 : 3
      • 文子 : 3
      • 尹文子 : 2
      • 山海經 : 2
      • 法句經 : 2
      • 尚書 : 2
      • 莊子 : 2
      • 孝經 : 2
      • 郭店楚簡語叢一 : 2
      • 文心雕龍十卷 : 1
      • 列子 : 1
      • 笑林一卷 : 1
      • 禮記 : 1
      • 臨濟錄 : 1
      • 毛詩 : 1
      • 法集要頌經 : 1
      • 太平經 : 1
      • 楚辭 : 1
      • 郭店楚簡 語叢一 : 1


        shēng OC: sraaŋ MC: ʂɣaŋ 70 AttributionsWD

      Shēng 生 (ant. miè 滅 "be extinguished (as dinosaurs)") refers to the coming into existence of something which did not previously exist. [PERFECTIVE]

        Word relations
      • Ant: 滅/DESTROY Miè 滅 refers to the physical destruction of cities or states, and the word implies the use of external military force, and typically military resistance.
      • Contrast: 立/ESTABLISH The current general word for setting up anything abstract or concrete is lì 立 and the almost equally common shè 設.
      • Contrast: 產/ARISE
      • Synon: 出/ARISE Chū 出 (NB: rù 入cannot be used as an antonym for this meaning.) refers to something that pre-exists emerging or moving from an initial state of hiddenness or non-obviousness to a state of manifest visibility (in analogy with the basic meaning of the word "to come out"). [SPECIFIC]
      • Synon: 起/ARISE The most current general word for something arising is probably qǐ 起 (ant. zhǐ 止 "cease to exist"). [GENERAL]

        Syntactic words
      • nabprocessemergence, arising
      • nsubjectthing that has originated
      • vadNthat has arisen, that has materialised; that is arising; (of moon) that begins to wax
      • vifigurativeto arise, to emergeVK
      • viperfectiveoriginate; come to emerge; be naturally found in (of inanimate subjects), occur naturally in
      • vt+prep+Nmiddle voicebe produced> arise from; arise therefromCH
      • vt+prep+NPab{S}arise from S being the case
      • vt+prep+Npassive?arise from 生於
      • vt0oN{SUBJ}changearise; appear 生民; come to birth (with postposed subject)
      • vtoNcausativecause to come into existence, cause to existCH
      • vtoV/Nabarise from V-ing (for the commoner 生於)LZ
        qǐ OC: khɯʔ MC: khɨ 43 AttributionsWD

      The most current general word for something arising is probably qǐ 起 (ant. zhǐ 止 "cease to exist"). [GENERAL]

        Word relations
      • Ant: 止/STOP The standard current word for ceasing in an activity is zhǐ 止 (ant. xíng 行 "carry on with"), and this word can to any concrete or abstract activity; the ceasing may be final or temporary.
      • Epithet: 初/ORIGINALLY Chū 初 (ant. jīn 今 "nowadays") is purely chronological and does not imply any formative influence of the beginning stage.
      • Contrast: 感/STIMULATE The current general word for stimulating a sentient being into action, or causing feelings, is gǎn 感 (ant. yìng 應 "respond").
      • Synon: 作/ARISE Zuò 作 (ant.* xiē 歇 "cease to exist, cease to be active, cease to happen") typically refers to something happening or arising for the first time, but the word can also refer to the emergence of persons like sages. [ORIGINAL], [SPECIFIC]
      • Synon: 發/ARISE Xīng 興 (ant. xí 息 "cease to be virulent") and fā 發 refer to something moving from an "incubatory" state to a state of manifest "virulence" and full development. [HIGH-DEGREE], [PERFECTIVE]
      • Synon: 生/ARISE Shēng 生 (ant. miè 滅 "be extinguished (as dinosaurs)") refers to the coming into existence of something which did not previously exist. [PERFECTIVE]

        Syntactic words
      • nab{PRED}processemergenceLZ
      • vichangearise, emerge
      • vt+prep+Narise from 起於
      • vt+prep+Ncausativegive rise to, cause to arise in yourself
      • vtoNarise from NCH
      • vtoNcausativecause to arise> allow to arise, give rise to, generate
        chū OC: khljud MC: tɕhʷit 24 AttributionsWD

      Chū 出 (NB: rù 入cannot be used as an antonym for this meaning.) refers to something that pre-exists emerging or moving from an initial state of hiddenness or non-obviousness to a state of manifest visibility (in analogy with the basic meaning of the word "to come out"). [SPECIFIC]

        Word relations
      • Contrast: 現 / 見/VISIBLE
      • Contrast: 產/ARISE
      • Synon: 生/ARISE Shēng 生 (ant. miè 滅 "be extinguished (as dinosaurs)") refers to the coming into existence of something which did not previously exist. [PERFECTIVE]
      • Synon: 發/ARISE Xīng 興 (ant. xí 息 "cease to be virulent") and fā 發 refer to something moving from an "incubatory" state to a state of manifest "virulence" and full development. [HIGH-DEGREE], [PERFECTIVE]

        Syntactic words
      • nabprocessoriginCH
      • ntsubjectwhat arises (from something else)
      • viactsurge forthCH
      • vichangecome into existence
      • vimiddle voiceget produced emerge; arise; originate
      • vt+prep+Nemerge from NCH
      • vt+prep+Nobject=sourcearise (from something or somebody); proceed (from something or somebody); take (something) as one's point of departure
      • vtoNemerge from, originate from
        zuò OC: tsaaɡs MC: tsuo̝ 23 AttributionsWD

      Zuò 作 (ant.* xiē 歇 "cease to exist, cease to be active, cease to happen") typically refers to something happening or arising for the first time, but the word can also refer to the emergence of persons like sages. [ORIGINAL], [SPECIFIC]

        Syntactic words
      • nabprocessthe coming into existence; origin
      • vicome into being for the first time, make one's appearance, appear on the scene
      • vt+prep+NN=placeto arise in/at NLZ
      • vtoNcausativemake something emerge, provoke something
      • vtoNpassivearise from
        zhì OC: kljiɡs MC: tɕi 17 AttributionsWD

        Syntactic words
      • nabeventoccurrence
      • viprocessoccur, take place 大風至
        méng OC: mreeŋ MC: mɣɛŋ 12 AttributionsWD

      Méng 萌 is inchoative and refers to the initial stage of arising. [INCHOATIVE]

        Syntactic words
      • nabmetaphysicalsubtle beginnings, incipient signs of things to come
      • vichange未萌"has not even begun to arise": come into subtle early existence; begin to arise, come into existence 
      • vtoNarise from ZZ 所萌
        xīng OC: qhɯŋ MC: hɨŋ 11 AttributionsWD

      Xīng 興 (ant. xí 息 "cease to be virulent") and fā 發 refer to something moving from an "incubatory" state to a state of manifest "virulence" and full development. [HIGH-DEGREE], [PERFECTIVE]

        Syntactic words
      • viprocessarise; emerge
      • vtoNcausativecause to arise
        fā OC: pod MC: pi̯ɐt 9 AttributionsWD

      Xīng 興 (ant. xí 息 "cease to be virulent") and fā 發 refer to something moving from an "incubatory" state to a state of manifest "virulence" and full development. [HIGH-DEGREE], [PERFECTIVE]

        Word relations
      • Contrast: 現 / 見/VISIBLE
      • Assoc: 動/MOVE The current general word for movement of any kind, psychological as well as physical, is dòng 動 (ant. jìng 靜 "remain still").
      • Synon: 出/ARISE Chū 出 (NB: rù 入cannot be used as an antonym for this meaning.) refers to something that pre-exists emerging or moving from an initial state of hiddenness or non-obviousness to a state of manifest visibility (in analogy with the basic meaning of the word "to come out"). [SPECIFIC]
      • Synon: 起/ARISE The most current general word for something arising is probably qǐ 起 (ant. zhǐ 止 "cease to exist"). [GENERAL]

        Syntactic words
      • vi(of disease) break out, become virulent; come out into the open
      • vichangeerupt into action, develop; erupt, emerge; develop one's skills
      • vt prep Narise in N; arise from NCH
        lái OC: m-rɯɯ MC: ləi 6 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • nabeventarising, occurrence
      • viprocesscome to pass, arise
      出現  chū xiàn OC: khljud ɡeens MC: tɕhʷit ɦen 3 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPichangecome forth and show itself > appear
      • VPt+prep+Nemerge and become visible > show oneself in, emerge in, appear in (also: be born into)
        shǐ OC: lʰɯʔ MC: ɕɨ 2 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • viprocessfirst arise
        wéi OC: ɢʷal MC: ɦiɛ 2 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNcausativeCAUSE TO HAPPEN> produce; lead to
        chǎn OC: sqreenʔ MC: ʂɣɛn 2 AttributionsWD

        Word relations
      • Contrast: 出/ARISE Chū 出 (NB: rù 入cannot be used as an antonym for this meaning.) refers to something that pre-exists emerging or moving from an initial state of hiddenness or non-obviousness to a state of manifest visibility (in analogy with the basic meaning of the word "to come out"). [SPECIFIC]
      • Contrast: 生/ARISE Shēng 生 (ant. miè 滅 "be extinguished (as dinosaurs)") refers to the coming into existence of something which did not previously exist. [PERFECTIVE]

        Syntactic words
      • vibe produced> arise 亂之所以產
      興起  xīng qǐ OC: qhɯŋ khɯʔ MC: hɨŋ khɨ 2 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPichangeappear in abundance; arise fully, achieve its full development
        yǒu OC: ɢʷɯʔ MC: ɦɨu 2 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • vieventcome to exist
      • viprocessturn upCH
        dào OC: k-laaws MC: tɑu 1 AttributionWD

        Syntactic words
      • viarise
        shēng OC: qhljɯŋ MC: ɕɨŋ 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • vichangearise
        shī OC: lʰiɡ MC: ɕit 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • vt0oN{SUBJ}eventoccasionally, with postposed subject: come about: 失火 "fire breaks out"
        gòu OC: koos MC: ku 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • vtoNpassivebe made; be created > ensue, arise
        jié OC: kiid MC: ket 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • viprocesstake shape, arise
        xí OC: zɯb MC: zip 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • vichangeto arise occasionally and pass away rapidly;
      內生  nèi shēng OC: nuubs sraaŋ MC: nuo̝i ʂɣaŋ 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPiprocessarise in the mind
      生起  shēng qǐ OC: sraaŋ khɯʔ MC: ʂɣaŋ khɨ 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPiarise
      發中  fā zhōng OC: pod krluŋ MC: pi̯ɐt ʈuŋ 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPiarise on the inside
      發生  fā shēng OC: pod sraaŋ MC: pi̯ɐt ʂɣaŋ 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPichangearise, come into existence
      萌興  méng xīng OC: mreeŋ qhɯŋ MC: mɣɛŋ hɨŋ 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPiprocesscome to arise and flourish
        dòng OC: dooŋʔ MC: duŋ 1 AttributionWD
        Syntactic words
      • viprocessarise, start occurring
      發起  fā qǐ OC: pod khɯʔ MC: pi̯ɐt khɨ 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • NPabarising, setting in motion
      萌生  méng shēng OC: mreeŋ sraaŋ MC: mɣɛŋ ʂɣaŋ 0 AttributionsWD
        Syntactic words
      • VPieventarise

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