Taxonomy of meanings for 勢:  

  • 勢 shì (OC: hŋljads MC: ɕiɛi) 舒制切 去 廣韻:【形勢 】
    • POWER
      • nabsocialposition of eminence; position of power; strategic advantage; power; clout
      • nab.adVsocialin terms of powerLZ
      • nabenergy; power; strengthDS
      • physical>STRONG
          • genital>PENIS
            • ntesticles
            • specific> TESTICLES
        • social>AUTHORITY
            • bureaucratic>RANK
                • transitive>INFLUENCE
                    • mutual>SITUATION
                      • nabmathematical termCHEMLA 2003: situation; constellation; configurationA. geometrical: JZ 4.24, Li Chunfeng, quotes a procedure by Zu Geng: 不問高卑,勢皆然也 "irrespective of the relative height, the relevant computing constellation is in all cases like this." 緣冪勢既同,則積不容異 "Since according to the relevant computing constellation of the surface the surface is the same, then their volume does not admit of difference."
                      • nabmethodmilitary disposition, favorable for successful condact of military operations
                      • nabstativeconstellation of power; propensity of things; natural tendency; strategic constellation or structure
                      • strategic constellation of N, the circumstances in NVK
                      • nab.adVgiven the constellation of power; given the natural propensity of things, given the strategic situationCH
                    • dynamic>TENDENCY

              Additional information about 勢

              說文解字:    【勢】,盛力權也。从力、埶聲。 【經典通用埶。】 【舒制切】

              • POWER

                1. The dominant general words for power are wēi 威 "formidable authority" and shì 勢 "strategic position of power".

                2. Quán 權 refers to one's political leverage or one's formal position of power.

                3. Wèi 位 refers to the formal and official (usually very high) position one has in a hierarchy, but the word is occasionally also used as a general term referring to any station in life. See RANK.

                4. Zhòng 重 refers to the actual political influence a person may have.

                5. Shù 數 refers to a complex constellation of power as an object of assessment.

                6. Shén 神 is occasionally used to refer to a supernatural or divinely sanctioned authority or political efficacy of a person.

                7. Yán 嚴 refers to the formidable quality of power growing from real authority.

              • SITUATION

                1. The current general term for a constellation or situation of any kind is shì 勢.

                2. Zhuàng 狀 and xíng 形 can be used to emphasise the external appearance created by a situation.

                3. Shì 事 focusses on the factual sequence of events that create a shì 勢.

                4. Dì 地 sometimes comes to be used for a stage of a development.

                Word relations
              • Assoc: (POWER)尊/NOBLE Zūn 尊 (ant. bēi 卑 "lowly, vulgar") is the current word for publicly recognised objective nobility and high status, and the word refers to objective social status in society. [ELEVATED], [HIGH-DEGREE], [OBJECTIVE], [PUBLIC], [SOCIAL]
              • Assoc: (POWER)權/POWER Quán 權 refers to one's political leverage or one's formal position of power.
              • Assoc: (POWER)威/POWER The dominant general words for power are wēi 威 "formidable authority" and shì 勢 "strategic position of power".
              • Oppos: (POWER)任/RELY ON Rén 任 typically refers to reliance on someone inferior in the context of public administration.