Taxonomy of meanings for 辨:  

  • 辨 bàn (OC: breens MC: bɯæn) 蒲莧切 去 廣韻:【具也周禮曰以辨民噐又步免切 】
      • vtoNcontrol through careful discriminating analysis
      • vt(oN)deal with the contextually determinate N, successfully manage the contextually determinate NLZ
  • 辨 biàn (OC: brenʔ MC: bɯiɛn) 符蹇切 上 廣韻:【别也説文判也又蒲莧切 】
      • vtoNstativediffer with respect to
      • vtoN=辨 distinguish properly; be able to draw a distinction between; sort out by making distinctions
      • vtoNmiddle voicebe properly distinguished; be well-articulated
      • nabact=辨 the making of subtle distinctions
      • vt(oN)explain a contextually determinate thing distinctly
      • nab.ttstative=辨 the distinction between N1 and N2
      • vt+prep+.N1+N2=辨 make a proper distinction between N1 and N2
      • vttoN1.+N2=辨 distinguish N1 from N2CH
      • viactbe well-spoken, be eloquent, be rhetorically successful; be well-argued; show eloquence in action
      • vadNeloquent, well-spoken; LH 1: interested in rhetoric
      • nabdispositionconvincing eloquence; rhetoric; rhetorical polish; rhetorical skill
      • vtoNcausativemake rhetorically beautiful
      • vadVeloquently
      • nabfeaturerhetorical and argumentative proficiency
      • nsubject=nonrefthose who are eloquent
      • nabactdiscursive argumentation; acts of eloquence and argumentation; especially: specious argumentation
      • vadNgradedeloquent, well-spoken
      • visubject=wordsbe well-articulated
      • nab(.post-N)the eloquence of the contextually determinate NCH
      • nab[.post-N]:adVas for N's rhetorical abilities; as for argumentation skillsDS
  • biànDISCUSS
    • nabactdisquisitionCH
    • vtoN=辯discuss, typically on the basis of logical/sophistic/rhetorically well-formed argumentsLZ

Additional information about 辨

說文解字: 【辨】,判也。从刀、辡聲。 【蒲莧切】


    1. The standard current and word for understanding something and knowing how to do something is zhī 知 (ant. mèi 昧 "not have the foggiest idea").

    2. Míng 明 (ant. měng 蒙 "have very confused notions about") refers to incisive clarity of insight.

    3. Tōng 通 (ant. hūn 昏 "be confused about") refers to comprehensive and thorough familiarity with a subject.

    4. Yù 喻 / 諭 (ant. àn 闇 "be in the dark about") typically refers to clarity achieved on the basis of an effort of articulation.

    5. Chá 察 and shěn 審 (ant. mí 迷 "be all lost when it comes to") refer to incisive clarity of understanding coupled with great awareness of the details of a matter.

    6. Jīng 精 (mào 眊 / 耄 "be completely stupid with respect to") refers to a subtle and thorough understanding of something.

    7. Shí 識 refers to familiarity with something concrete, but the word also refers to simple awareness, especially when negated.

    8. Biàn 辨 / 辯 (ant. huò 惑 "be al confused about") refers to discriminating and highly articulate specialised, often professional knowledge about something.

    9. Jué 覺 and the rarer wù 悟 are inchoative and refer to the coming to understand something.

    10. Wēn 溫 refers to the resulting close familiarity after long acquaintance with a subject.

    11. Wén 聞 (ant. wèi zhī wén 未之聞 "have never heard/learnt about any such thing") is sometimes used as a resultative verb meaning "come to understand something because one has been informed of it". But this usage is limited to the idiom wén dào 聞道 "hear about the Way".

    12. Xī 悉 and jìn 盡 refer to presumed completeness in knowledge.




    1. The current standard word for a dream is mèng 夢.

    2. Xiōng mèng 凶夢 refers to a nightmare.

    ZHOULI 3 占夢:掌其歲時,觀天地之會,辨陰陽之氣。以日月星辰占六夢之吉凶,一曰正夢,二曰噩夢,三曰思夢,四曰寤夢,五曰喜夢,六曰懼夢。季冬,聘王夢,獻吉夢于王,王拜而受之。乃舍萌于四方,以贈惡夢,遂令始難驅疫。


    1. The current general word is biàn 辨, sometimes also written 辯.

    2. The deliberate establishment of distinctions is bié 別 or pàn 判.

    3. Jué 決 is the concrete process by which one decides whether an established distinction obtains or does not obtain in a concrete case.

    4. Xī 析 is to make a set of relevant distinctions on a given subject.

    5. Yì 異 can be used putatively for "consider to be different" in theorising discourse.

    6. Fèn 分 refers to the results of the deliberate establishment of distinctions, and to the making of such distinctions.