Taxonomy of meanings for 餐:  

  • 餐 cān (OC: tshaan MC: tsʰɑn) 七安切 平 廣韻:【説文吞也七安切三 】
  • 餐 cān (OC: tshaan MC: tsʰɑn) 七安切 平 廣韻:【同餐俗作飡 】

    Additional information about 餐

    說文解字: 【餐】,吞也。从食、𣦻聲。 【七安切】 【湌】,餐或从水。

    • FEED

      1. The current general word is sì 食 / 飼 which refers to any action of feeding, and the action of given someone something to drink is yìn 飲.

      2. Yù 飫 is to provide abundant food or even to regale guests.

      3. Xiǎng 享 / 饗 is typically to offer food for the enjoyment and appreciation of the spirits, and very often also for guests. See FEAST.

      4. Xiǎng 餉 is to serve someone a good meal for enjoyment, as a ritual sign of respect.

      5. Cān 餐 is to treat someone to a regular meal, hú 餬 is sometimes used to feed others with a very simple meal.

      6. Shàn 膳 refers to serving an excellent meal to somebody.

      7. Huàn 豢 is specifically to feed grain to pigs.

      8. Mò 秣 is specifically to feed horses with grain.

      9. Bǔ 哺 is specifically to feed babies.

      10. Tuī 摧 refers to giving fodder to animals.

      11. Yè 饁 is to carry food out for informal consumption by people working in the open air.

      12. Wèi 喂 / 餵 refers to feeding animals.

    • EAT

      1. The general word is shí 食 which refers to any form of taking in food, but the word is probably primarily a noun meaning "food". Cf. 飯疏食 "dine on coarse food".

      2. Gān 甘 is to enjoy a meal or to enjoy food on a given occasion.

      3. Rú 茹 is to eat a routine meal in order to still one's hunger.

      4. Fú 服 ingest or imbibe for a purpose, typical a medical purpose.

      5. Dàn 啖 is to eat quickly oneself and dàn 啗 is to cause someone to swallow.

      6. Fàn 飯 is to dine on some basic foodstuff, and the word is secondarily a noun meaning "foodstuff, staple food".

      7. Cháng 嘗 is to eat something for the purpose of experiencing the taste of it, rather than for the purpose of filling one's stomach.

      8. Bǎo 飽 refers specifically to eating enough or having eaten enough and is most current as an intransitive verb.

      9. Yàn 厭 / 饜 refers to eating more than enough is mostly used transitively.

      10. Cān 餐 is a formal or poetic word referring to the eating of a desirable meal.

      Word relations
    • Synon: (EAT)飯/EAT Fàn 飯 is to dine on some basic foodstuff, and the word is secondarily a noun meaning "foodstuff, staple food".
    • Synon: (EAT)飯/EAT Fàn 飯 is to dine on some basic foodstuff, and the word is secondarily a noun meaning "foodstuff, staple food".