Taxonomy of meanings for 項:  

  • 項 xiàng (OC: ɡrooŋʔ MC: ɦɯɔŋ) 胡講切 上 廣韻:【頸項説文曰頭後也釋名曰項确也堅硧受枕之處又姓本姬姓國公羊曰爲齊桓公所滅子孫以國爲氏項燕爲楚將生梁梁兄子籍號霸王胡講切二 】
    • NECK
      • nback of the neck; neck generally
    • STATES
      • NPprXiàng 項 (CHEN PAN 1969, 626-628)Ruling clan: Unknown. According to the Tōng zhì Shìzú lyè, Xìng zuǎn, and Guǎng yùn, the rulers of Xiàng belonged to the Zhōu 周 royal clan Jī 姬. Rank: Unknown. Shǐ jì Xiàng Yǔ běnjǐ zhēngyì (quoting Kuò dì zhì), Huán yǔ jì, and Lù shǐ Guó míng jǐ suggest that the rulers of Xiàng were of zǐ 子 rank. Founded: Unknown. Destroyed: According to the CQ (Xi 17), the state was conquered by Qí 齊 in 643 B.C. ZUO dates the annihilation of Xiàng into the same year, but states that it was occupied by the state of Lǔ 魯. Later the area belonged to Chǔ 楚. Location: In the modern Xiàngchéng 項城 district, Henan province (according to the Huì zuǎn).
    • HAT
      • BIG
        • ITEM
            • MATHEMATICS
              • SURNAMES

                Additional information about 項

                說文解字: 【項】,頭後也。从頁、工聲。 【胡講切】

                • NECK

                  1. The current general word for the neck is lǐng 領.

                  2. Xiàng 項 was late to become current, and the word comes to refer specifically to the back of the neck.

                  3. Jǐng 頸 is colloquial and refers to the front part of the neck, but the word can also refer to the neck as a whole.

                  4. Dòu 脰 is rare and refers to the front of the neck.