Taxonomy of meanings for 陸:  

  • 陸 lù (OC: m-ruɡ MC: liuk) 力竹切 入 廣韻:【髙平曰陸又髙也厚也亦陸離參差也又姓出吳郡河南二望夲自古天子陸終後 】
      • nMO: land (as opposed to water shuǐ 水), not necessarily opposed to an island but usually referring to land on the mainland
      • genralised>EARTH
        • nland (versus sea), mainland
        • nadVplaceon land, by land 陸行travel by land
        • used for transport>WAY
          • accumulated>MOUNTAIN
              • feature>HIGH
                  • move across>JUMP
                    • viactprance aboutCH
          • STATES
            • PHILOLOGISTS
            • 陸 liù
              • =六 NUMBERS

              Additional information about 陸

              說文解字: 【陸】,高平地。从 𨸏 、从坴,坴亦聲。 〔小徐本作「從𨸏、坴聲。」〕 【力竹切】 【𨽰(𨽐)】,籒文陸。 〔小徐本「陸」下有「如此」二字。〕

              • EARTH

                1. The current general term for the earth or land is dì 地 (ant. tiān 天 "Heaven").

                2. Kūn 坤 (ant. qián 乾 is a metaphysical way of referring to Earth as an agentive principle.

                3. Lù 陸 (ant. shuǐ 水 ) refers to land versus river or sea areas.

                Word relations
              • Epithet: (EARTH)行/TRAVEL The standard word for travelling for any purpose is xíng 行.