Taxonomy of meanings for 庇:  

  • 庇 bì (OC: pis MC: pi) 必至切 去 廣韻:【庇廕 】
      • vtoNprovide shelter for, protect 庇民
      • vtoNreflexive.身protect (oneself)
      • vtoNtake shelter in; shelter in (typically in a house)
      • vtoNfigurativefind safe shelter in
      • REAR
        • COVER
          • vtoNto cover; to shade

        Additional information about 庇

        說文解字: 【庇】,蔭也。从广、比聲。 【必至切】

        • SAFEGUARD

          1. Bǎo 保 (which emphasises safety against dangers or threats) and shǒu 守 (which emphasises good care and the ensuring that something is not lost or impaired) are the two general words for safeguarding things.

          2. Quán 全 refers specifically to keeping a thing in perfect undiminished shape.

          3. Chí 持 refers specifically to supporting something in a vigorous and sound state.

          4. Bì 庇 refers to protection of inferiors by their superiors.

          5. Hù 護 typically refers to protection of superiors by inferiors.

        • COVER

          1. The current general word for any mode of covering something for any purpose or in any way is fù 覆. The covering agent can be animate or inanimate, but typically the purpose of the covering is protection.

          2. Bèi 被 is to cover all over, typically in order as to protect from outside impact of cold etc.. The covering agent is typically human.

          3. Bì 蔽 (cog. bì4 庇 "protect") is to cover so as to keep from physical or intellectual sight, and this may be said freely of animate and inanimate subjects to whom the covering effect is attributed.

          4. Yǎn 掩 / 揜 is an informal word which focusses on the deliberate act by a human, executed with his hand, which is designed to prevent something from being discovered or from getting in touch with other things.

          5. Gài 蓋 is to cover with a lid or the like, typically to protect not against damage but against intrusion of external things. See HIDE

          6. Méng 蒙 is typically and primarily to make something obscure by some action of hiding or covering it, often with paper or cloth.

          7. Jīn 巾 refers to covering something with a cloth.

          8. Zhē 遮 is an elevated term referring to covering up something so as to protect it against interference from the outside and to hinder physical access of hostile forces, and this covering may be by humans or by physical effects.